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How to make him wanna go wild..

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well I need some tips and new tricks to make my guy wanna go crazy.. lol like when we are out at the movies or going to dinner. I wanna make him hot and bothered. It makes our sex better i think when we come home. because all that tention and despiration to go home and have at it. So how are some good ways to get him turned on i mean i know like rubbing against him on a so called accident while waiting in line to be seated at a resterant but i need some more things better things.. im up for wild..lol so throw me some good ideas Please and thank you.

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Redhotcherries, I think your name alone would make him wild. lol It is very easy to make us guys wanna go wild. I would suggest that whatever you do, it should be so nobody else sees. I know that I get embarrassed in public and don't know if he does as well. If you are at a movie, then caress his inner thigh and then move your hand to the middle. Caress him there for a while and I am sure he will want to leave the movie and take you home. You could even lean over and lick his ear. It does not take much for us guys to wanna get wild. I would just caution that he may not be into the publice affection thing so just make sure it is where nobody else can see. I once went to a movie with my ex and we were like the only ones in there. We had so much fun and did not even see the movie. It was awesome.

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For me just a night out having fun with the person I love, holding their hand, hugs, light kisses, and long adoring looks into each others eyes. That's all I need, to know that my baby loves me.


Cuddling up, your head upon his chest, whispering sweet words into his ear, gently breathing on his neck.... if you can get away with it where ever you are, then those might help.

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