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Why don't they follow through?

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I guess it could be either way. Its surely possible that they got very busy and it slipped their mind. Was this person a close friend or family, or a casual acquaintance? Its possible also that even after saying they would do you a favor that they felt it wasnt a priority for some reason. Maybe it depends on what the favor was. Not that it should matter. If I told some one I would do a favor from them I would certainly do my best to stick to my word, and if it were something that I ended up not being able to do for some one afterall, I would at least let them know.

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I asked the guy at my sons daycare ( he's one of the owners/teachers ) if my son could go an extra day that week - this was near Christmas. He said yes and then I asked him to let me know what the extra cost would be. After one complete day - which should have been enough time for him to figure it out - he said he didn't have time to figure it out so not to worry about it and to consider it a Christmas gift from him. I got to be honest with you - it's not rocket science. I pay $90.00 for 3 days and my sister pays $150.00 for 5 days; so it's about $30.00/ day. The reason I ask if it's lack of consideration is because I had to ask for the same thing again this week and his sister who is also owner/teacher, said oh sure just add $30.00 to whatever your payment is normally. It didn't take her a whole day to figure it out. Is he just inconsiderate?

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From what you mentioned in your other thread, my best guess is...

He was stalling, scheming, dragging it out. And he came up with an idea... wanted to use it all as a way to make you feel special, grateful, by giving you a seeming "gift"... because he likes you. (But really it was just manipulative.) But his sister didn't feel the same "attraction" for you, so she just got straight to the point... no fuss, no mess... professionalism.


Hmm.. I wonder what she would think if she knew he offered you $30 worth of free services.

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