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My First Serious Breakup

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Well.. This was my only real serious relationship I have ever been in.


Just some background info here:


I'm 28, He's 31. We met 6yrs ago. The first few times of us hooking up and dating i broke it off with him. I wasn't ready for anything serious and he was. Well finally I let in a started a relationship with him. 2 1/2 yrs being together we moved in with each other. We have since lived together for 2 1/2 yrs. Our relationship being 5 yrs. We never fighted about anything until a few months ago. It started with money arguments and then the fact he was always wanting to be in and never go out anymore and do anything.


Now, we are both big people. And he liked chubby girls. Well i also had some medical issues with my hips that i had pins put in. He knew things are harder for me to do then him. So i would ask him to do things for me. But i still did alot and i like cleaning alot and he doesnt. Well here he made it out like i make him do everything.. and had people saying that he is my B*tch and making ppl mad at me.


December he asked me if id want to get married at the JOP when my brother and his now wife did. But i said no i want a real wedding. Well aparently since that day we've gone down hill. New years came we went out that day we came back and faught. Then the next week we faught and the week after.. well 2 days before my birthday in jan. We got into it and decided to have a sit down talk. And broke up. I however wanted to work it out. I figured 5 yrs was worth fighting for. Well 2 weeks later we got into it again and we broke up for good. Aparently he said he hasnt been happy for a while now and he doesnt know how to open up and tell me this. And because of that there is no going back and we are completely done.


So i do my crying for a few days and finally realize maybe its for the better. It upset me seeing how happy he was that we broke up. Well i got nosey and started checking out things.. Well we have a joint account and a separate account. On his separate account he sent flowers to some girl. Well i found an email confirmation saying who its to.. My BESTfriend.


Me and who i thought was my bestfriend had been friends 8 yrs. when she broke up with her ex i told her i how i felt honestly. Well she got offended and apparently held this grudge against me. She started talking to me.. JUST to get my boyfriend. Who she had back when she was 16 hooked up with. and aparently still had feelings for. HOW SCREWED UP IS THAT!


So here me and him are.. living together which will soon change.. but in the mean time i have to deal with them.


Its so friggin hard and i just cant believe this. I spent 5 days over my sisters. Because me and him had been fighting bad REAL BAD. And now i just came back home and he was over her new house which she just got the other day up by me and him.

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Welcome to ENA. What a horrible thing to happen! I think you need to get out of there as soon as possible. Being that they have probably had feelings for each other for some time now, I don't think this is a fling. It's very unfortunate that you were betrayed not only be the man who you love but by a friend as well.


First you need to realize it's over, accept that and accept that no matter what, you will not take him back! He has hurt for the last time. The healing process needs to start and you will get over him and find someone who wants to love you and only you. They have probably been seeing each other for sometime now, hence the fighting and probably a lack of intimacy as well. We will all be here to help you through this. Move out and move on.




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Yea, I've had a guy feeling about the two of them since December 10th. They work together and had a christmas party and i told him to just drive her back here. Because i know she would be drinking and i didn't want her driving home drunk. Well Ther party ended at 10. HE didn't get home till 1. His excuse was that they all stood around and talked outside.. IN THE POURING RAIN. And that she was fine to drive home by the time they all left. Now they just had a party for 3 hrs and talked.. why would you need another 2 1/2 hrs to continue talking. When you see each other everyday at work. Well the next day i saw a handprint ion my windshield in my truck (which he used to take to the party) So i asked him why and he said because she probably put her hand there to get in the truck. YEA OK.. she's never done that before. I had this tahoe now for 2 yrs. And not once getting in did she ever put her hand on the dash or windshield. Plus i have handles to use to help the person get in.


Well that night was the night i started getting my feelings STRONG. And not only me but my sister in law.. my sister and my mother. Womens intuation i guess lol.


Funny thing is last night.. he came home after being at her house.. And we actually talked. AS in being civil about this and moving on but without the fighting.


I would never take him back. I accept the fact we broke up. I was fine with the breakup till i found out about her. Then it caused the pain. But being away for the past 5 days.. and realizing some things. Its not worth my stress to keep fighting over this. Nothing will come of it anyways.


Today i find out what's going on with the moving situation. We live in an apt. And he is trying to get his own now. So we are just waiting on the aproval and then he will move out next week.

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