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The 'Friendship' Zone


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I've often heard people in these forums talking about a certain stage in a male/female relationship, where if you get past it, its too late for the guy to ask the girl out, and they are destined to always be just friends. But this can't always be true. Surely months or years in to the relationship, the girl could still fancy the guy, or is this not really the case? Do most girls find it hard to see a guy like that after a certain amount of time? Thoughts please...

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It is possible to get out of the friendship zone. But VERY VERY hard. Once someone has an opinion and a feeling about you it is very had to change that. I got stuck in the friends zone once and hey im still there but im happy cos the girl is now one of my best friends.


EDIT: Oh check this old thread out (poco diablos comment) im trying to find the better comment by someone.



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Thanks for the link, i'll be reading that. Um, i've liked a guy who i've been friedns with for 2 or 3 years now and i've like him for 1 1/2 + years, so I really don't think there is any specific time when u can't like eachother anymore. I know people who have been friends since kindergarten and then only last year they decided to go out. And the friendship border isn't that hard to get accross again if you break up. I knew two peole who were best friends, feel inlove, went out for years, broke up, and are still best friends to this day.

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I've heard other people say it and I'll repeat:

Rule #1: There are no rules to things like this. It's not like mathematics where there is a certain order of how things must go, and if they go in one direction, the whole equation is screwed up - it's not like that. It's just not.


That's all I'm gonna say.

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It's one of those absolute rules I've seen broken so much I doubt it's true.

I've also seen people who detest each other later have happy marriages.


One lady I knew had a neighbor she just couldn't stand, and he found her pushy and troublesome. Long after her husband died, she ended up marrying this neighbor, and they were the most loving, devoted and sexually charged pair I've ever seen up intil her death a year ago. They were in their 70s when they met.


Falling for a friend? Piece of cake.

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