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Why wait till marriage?

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If i'm going to die tomorrow, or a year from now...or 100 years from now...i want to have lived my life to the fullest and that includes having all the sex i desire. I'm not getting married until i'm done with college, that could be about 3 more years from now. I ain't waiting that long to have sex. I love my fiance with and i agree with the other posters who said they dont need a ring and piece of paper telling them they can have sex. My fiance and I have more love for each other than some people who are married and waited to have sex til marriage. I dont see the point in waiting, it doesn't make you a better person... but if it's your desire to wait, that is totally cool with me. But dont' label me as a sl*t or any other nasty term just because my choice is different than yours. (I'm not directing this to you OP, or any other person, i'm talking about the population in general)


Plus, i'm passed the whole "honeymoon" stage of our relationship. I know him inside and out, we've had our sex droughts and we know how to deal with them. Whenever this happens to newlyweds, they tend to freak out and worry if they need a divorce. I'm very glad i made the choice to have sex before marriage.

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Also, some people may be getting married for the wrong reasons over this, in an unconscious way. They want each other so bad they get married. They think "oh yeah this is the one" and wait til marriage to have sex. Few years later one spouse walks in on the other having sex with someone else. So much for "the one". Marriage is too overrated sometimes, lol

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It's people's different views on how exactly they define commmitment and marriage. Some think marriage as "I will be with you until death separates us", but come to think of it divorce rates are increasing. So what happens if you divorce and after that. meet your next partner (and you were one of those waiting till marriage)?

Then come to think of it, couples living together have the almost the same basic components marry people have, the only difference is a written paper saying you're marry, otherwise is pretty much the same thing.


For me, I didn't choose to wait for marriage, instead it was when I knew I was in love and when it was the right moment. Nope I do not regret it.


I agree. Two people who arent' married can love each other just as much as married people.

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I'm an atheist, but I used to think I was not going to have sex until marriage, for the simple reason that I was taught a "non-virgin" is "used goods" that no man will wish to "buy."


... once I saw through that patriarchal chauvinist view, I became sexually active.

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Also I'll add this: I think it's important to know your partner well before getting married. Until you have sex that is a whole aspect of your partner you don't know.

What if it turns out they never want to have sex and you do? Or they are not willing to do the things you want to? That's a big thing...

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I think waiting until marriage is akin to buying a car without test driving it first.


Knowing ever aspect of your partner before marriage helps prevent your 1 in 2 chance of divorce.


marriage is more serious and not that easy to give up as a relationship ...


Ya think? 50% divorce rate says otherwise.

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