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okay, i really need some advice here, sorry to bug you all...


i dated Justin for 3 months on and off, and it ended once and for all about 2 weeks ago. Throughout our relationship he would be so amazing to me when we were alone, and about 50% of the tie when we were with others. the other 50% of the time, he would throw cheap shots at me. and not ones that like, hurt, but they got annoying. then out of the blue one day hed break up with me for the sake of it, wed both be super upset and get back together like 3 days later. i got sick of it after a while and as i said, ended it for good.


well since then i cant get him off my mind. i miss him so much. i love him so much. tonite he was over with another friend of ours and he was the same old cracking jokes justin, but it was like he did it to get away from the hurt of seeing me. hes told people how much he loves me and wants me back, and hes hurting just as much as i do. so now that makes me wonder; if we're both hurting so much, should we get back together?


after he left tonite i cried for a solid hour. i want him back so bad. i miss him, and i need him in my life. theres a huge void where he was, and its really needing to be filled.


so my question is... do i get back with him despite everything? or do i cut my losses, suck it up and get over it?


please help!



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i'm sorry but i cant help much..i need the same question answered. if you stay together..you guys will keep breaking up on and off prolly. but if you break up...you will get over it..but it will be hard. personally, i would break up with him because that is wat people are telling me. hope i helped. luv ya

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omg guys look im back im actualy back. anyway. if u love him alot, and u positively know he loves u too, then fer the sake of it try to get back together with him, but then again, it might end up like it usualy does. talk with him. ask him at a certain point something like "if we were back together, would u try and not make it end up the same way it did before?" errr something liek that. maybe im a little out of ideas..then again i havent asnwered any posts in a while. anyway, i hope this helps, good luck i wish the best for the both of you

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From past experience, if it has been on and off for a little bit it will probably keep on goin like that till either you make and big change or ur ex does.


I'd leave the break up be...and be separate from a while. I know it sucks, but with time you will be able to realize what you really want and what is good for you. Just give yourself time apart. See if you really love him, or if you just nee dhim at the moment. Care for yourself, and have fun...But revaluate evvrything.. He needs to grow too.

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I agree with smiles! Have a bit of a break, have some fun and then see what you want. Relationships shouldnt be only good 50% of the time. They cant be perfect and great 100% of the time but for me 50% isnt enough. If he says hurtful things to you when you are in a relationship you should tell him that its not on. Be true to yourself and dont settle for second best.

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