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I want her to be as she was!!!!!!!!!!

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i am elyella with a new topic.Okay the situation is that there is a girl a know that was emo (which is emotional), but she has changed because of the people who talked about her.I want to approach her and say to go back to emo as i am.She is popular people which i am not.But how can i get closer to her.

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That's what everyone said in middle school and high school about anyone else who stopped dressing and acting emo/goth/punk, etc. The fact is, people are going to grow up and grow out of it. Even if she changed because people said things about her, it's for the best and it had to have been up to her in some way for her to change. She's still the same person if she was ever "emo" in the first place-- just now with other interests that are probably better for her.

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If she doesn't want to be your friend just because she's considered popular, then is she really worth your time? The answer isn't to get her to change back to how she was... I mean, honestly, tons of people have been there including myself, where you just need to make changes with the whole emo/goth/punk thing and just get out of it.

So it's either she's not going to because of the way you dress or are or whatever, or she's just not worth your time if the way you are now means that much to you.

If you could ever talk to her as seriously as convincing her to change back, then I'd skip that all together and just ask her why she doesn't want to be your friend just because now she's considered popular; that could be enough.

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say hi when u can.. compliment her... talk to her when the opportunity arises...but don't act like ur in love w/ her or stalking her. Smile from a distance, but not like a luv struck nerd. who cares about popularity...dont' think that because people are popular they are out of yoru league...instead...think about it like this..."well... i like her but damnit she is popular and popular chicks are high maintenance and stuck on themselves". Reverse thinking...think that you are better then any clique...and dont' rule out the nerdy, odd, smart girls...they usually grow up beeign better looking and more successful =)

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