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does he actually like me??


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hey guys,

ummm so in my program at school there's this guy that i kinda like, but i'm not sure if he likes me... he's really confident and funny and so nice and flirty, but he seems that way towards all the girls. he's not a player or anything dont get me wrong, but in our group of friends he's pretty much like that equally to everyone. a couple of the girls have said that they think hes flirting with me and then he flirts with the rest to kinda cover it up cuz he doesnt want everyone to know helikes me... but i just see it as his personality and that he does it with everyone.

i'm really shy around him at school but we talk alot to eachother online and the conversations are good, we just chit chat and have fun and flirt and joke around, and we get along at school too we just dont talk too much... i get nervous in person cuz i dont know what to say all the time, lol.

anyway... i just need some advice on how i know if he really likes me, or if he's just being flirty toward everyone, its really hard to tell.

i'm also worried maybe he doesnt wanna show he likes me or make a move cuz our group is so close in our program at school and maybe it would be awkward if somethnig happened between us cuz everyone would know? i dunno.... blah, help!

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haha my situtaion right now with this girl i like, see online, we can talk a whole lot, but in person..its really hard. but i reall like her


heres how you know if he likes you, when hes talking to you notice the little things. like how close he is to you, if hes gazing at ur face, asks for a hug, smiles alot, etc

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well... he doesnt gaze at my face... but he looks at me when he has the chance, but i dunno if its in a joking way cuz he makes stupid funny faces and stuff...

we dont hug or anything, but he stands close to me... but i dunno if it's just me. or if he stands close to everybody.. thats the problem.

hes so flirty i dunno if its directed toward me or another girl or what, its so confusing...

is it true that guys pick on girls they like though?? cuz he picks on me

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Dear Janey,


I can see where you are coming from exactly. I used to be like the guy you described. I try to be nice and flirty to every girl I know, so much to the extent that I have difficulty showing a girl (i really like) that I like her perhaps more than a friend. And the situation was compounded by the fact that we were both part of a very closely knit community in school, and I didn't want rumors to spread.


But what are you doing to show him that you like him too? You need to talk to him more often, smile more often, engage him in his flirting, and treat him better than you treat other guys.


From experience, if you don't show him that you're interested as well, the game will go on and on until one of you loses interest and move on. So make a move. You don't need to go up to him and say "Hey, I like you". You can try (i) giving him encouraging body language, (ii) finding excuses to talk to him or be around him.


Hopefully, he'll notice you too and reciprocate accordingly.


All the best!

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