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I can't relate...anymore

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Ok, my best friend a few months ago told me he was depressed and was going to kill herself because of the fact that her dad beats on her. I can't prove this, but I have some signs that he does. He shuts her in the house. She can't have friends over. She can't talk on the phone. And besides all that, she has these bruises on her back. So, me and another friend told the guidence councilor, and she got called down. Well, she didn't tell her the truth, she said it was because of the constant taunting she got at school. So she got some anti-depressants and sleeping pills, and everything was going ok, but then she started getting these ideas of running away. We got in fights constantly about it. I nearly hung myself in the grove behind the school I was so sick of everything. But anyway, I told her to tell someone about it, and she refuses to because she doesn't want to have to move away from everybody, her other friends I mean. Then, a few weeks ago, when I wasn't home, she came over wearing a backpack. Come to find out, her mom called a little after saying that if she came over again we had to tell her. So I have no place to go. I can't talk to her.There's no way I can come in contact with her,, and even if I did, I don't know what to say because I don't know what she's going through, and she's told me that so many times. I just want to be able to be someone who can advise her. Someone who can be a comfort. So, sombody, please clue me in somehow. I've lost connections, I can't relate anymore.



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Though I try to refrain from judging. I think the guidance counselor did not do thier job. I mean hello, did he/she think the girl was just going to blurt it out? Anyway, you still need to tell someone. If she is being hurt, you need to notify someone. And in most states, any person in the "care field" is mandated to report to child protective services. This includes teachers, and counselors...to name but two. If you are in CA for example I would be mandated to report. (though i would do it regardless of the state)

It is not likely she will report on her own, she is in a scary position, and the thought of leaving home may seem worse than the abuse its self. But she needs to be protected.

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