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Another Lesson from the Disciple

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I haven't posted one of my rant/advice things in a while and though it was time for another one. this post is for those of you out there who are struggling with the concept of relaxing about relationships, being single, etc.

I'd say that for a good number of weeks now, probably about 6 or 7, I haven't been directly pursuing anyone with the intent of developing a relationship. I can say this for sure, I feel a lot more relaxed and comfortable hanging out with people and thos epeople seem to notice my laid-backness. I suppose a good way to begin to approach being relaxed about love and not being in a relationship is thinking of it in terms of an apathy of sorts. By all intensive purposes, that may be the best way to think about it. Women don't like guys who are desperate, many girls and women, no matter their age, will attest to this. What's more, if you're thinking about love and being a lonely single, you can't focus on those aspects of your life which define your character. This doesn't mean that you have to make a poit of not pursuing a relationship, because that would just be the opposite of being desperate. You really have to not care. This might be especially geared towards those of us who are college aged. Women in college, for the most part, seem to favor casual relationships. this doesn't mean short flings necessarily but college-aged women don't want a relationship to consume their lives every single day, so it seems.

I suppose that's all for now, I lost my rythm...

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I think you are right--We cannot rush or push love before it's own time. We first have to love ourselves and appreciate what we already have in our life before we can draw in our right and true mate.


If we are accepting of ourselves and our current situation, then we are better able to focus on what makes us happy and what we need in a true connection.


Women appreciate men who are confident in themselves--This does not mean one has to be loud, forceful, or outgoing-It just means one has to value and respect himself, so in turn, he can offer his true character to someone who is dear to him.


Thank you for bringing up an important topic of discussion....

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