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I went to my ex's house...I can't believe it - I'm still in shock!!

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My story can be found at this post:


After 2 months of NC I sent him a christmas card and since then we have numberous texts flying around but meeting up to exchange stuff etc We were supposed to meet today but he cancelled saying ive broken my toe so why dont you come and collect your stuff from home? I was apprehensive...but I said what the hell this has gone on for long enough! So I went to his house! I am shocked at my brave move. So anyway I ring the doorbell, his flatmate answers and says Hi come on up.


So I went and there he was sat on the couch with his foot up on the stool. I kissed his flatmate a happy new year then I looked at him I shook his hand and kissed him on the cheek.


Then I said oh here's your stuff and I was standing there awkwardly then his flatmate say sit down we dont charge!


So I sat on the sofa next to my ex and we started talking. It was surreal. We didn't mention anything about the break up just what each has been up to laughed and joked a little. (I was a tad nervous) but smiling and joking and acting normal. Then I got up to go I said ok I best leave (after 20mins) I said err where's my stuff...he said here (all washed and ironed) he said maybe you left some stuff in Ireland I'll ask my sis and let you know. I said ok hope you feel better soon. I'll call you later on in the week.


He said ok then I left. I'm still shaking I can't believe I did that!!! Did I do the right thing...it was really amicable and so on but I don't know what my next move should be....can anybody help???? Do you think there is anyone else in his life - I didn't get that impression but I don't know really.... Flippin h*ll I am taking deep breaths here!!!](*,)

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i dont know you know. i guess i was hoping for some positivity and the way this has ended has kind of ended on a positive note as opposed to complete anomysisty. i thought id feel weird by going there etc but we both behaved completely normal. we were talking about what everyone was up to. He was looking directly at me but I couldnt look at him I was just looking at his flatmate all the time. i will have to decide what i want to do. i would like another go but i think i will make him say it rather than me. as it stands ill just be all pally and matey with him...who knows maybe a friendship if nothing else. i felt no hatred nothing for him. we were just calm, neutral and normal. how should i initiate the next form of contact and when???

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he has texted me to wish me a happy new year etc and then i replied back we haven't contacted each other at all only one or the other initiated contact. this stuff needed to be exchanged. just today when he told me he's fractured his toe was the first time i called him since the break up and asked are you ok? and the conversation was normal so thats why i had the courage to go there i guess. ure right ill stick to nc. its for the best.

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Be careful with this. I know it's easy to get excited and let your guard down. Make sure you don't do that! Like octopus said, assume the worst.


My ex would contact me and ask me to hang out a lot. That didn't mean she wanted anything more from me than my support, humor and general friendship. Remember: Anything short of "I want to work things out" is nothing in the 'getting back together' scheme of things.


You've only been broken up for 3 months, so everything is still sort of new, even if it doesn't seem that way. However, you do have a good ammount of no contact time, so you have that in your favor. Then again, it's what BOTH of you did in that time that matters, not just a numerical value. If he partied a whole lot and didn't do much thinking then he is a lot less likely to stick to things even if you get back together. If he was really introspective in his thoughts, you have a much better chance in the long run. Don't get over eager. Let him call the shots. The ball is and will be in his court and there is very little you can do. That is why you have to be cautious.


If you have come to the same realizations I have during no contact, then getting back with him won't truly matter. You've (hopefully) already begun and are traveling down the road of 'moving on' (making a new/different future that you look forward to). You might be a little sad, but you will still be okay if you don't end up together.


Take care

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That's great advice redandblack. I think I am at the stage you described as:


If you have come to the same realizations I have during no contact, then getting back with him won't truly matter. You've (hopefully) already begun and are traveling down the road of 'moving on' (making a new/different future that you look forward to). You might be a little sad, but you will still be okay if you don't end up together.


I have realised we aren't right for each other. I cherish the good memories I had with him and just leave it to the fact that he's younger and has a whole lot of partying etc to do before he settles down. I am not getting my hopes up. And i am not going to push for anything. Unless like you said he makes his intentions clear. Right now I just see it as friendship and nothing else. I was thinking last nite - even if we did get back together the same problems would crop up again and ultimately we will never be able to advance or move on - the same cycle again. I think just playing it cool is the way forward.

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