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what should i do? THere is a situation

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Well just to let you all know im only 14 so that is why this is different. Ok well i've been going out with this one girl for a little over 3 months. a couple days ago she heard that i was spreading false rumors about us. I Never told anyone about anything that wasnt true. There are 2 people saying i did though. And the two people are people she trusts alot. She doesnt know if she should believe me or those people. So i think she might break up with me because she thinks im lying. I Love her alot and i dont want her to break up with me The two people that said stuff i know pretty well. I even told them about true stuff that was going on. She doesnt want me calling them and seeing why they said that. So i dont know if i should call them and that might make it worse. or not call them and have her figure it out. Should i say anything to her or help her out in anyway? I really want to stay with her. I heard that she has been asked out many times but turned them down because she was going out with me. I dont want to break up with her over something that never happened. Please help. What should i do?

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Hey...i can kinda relate 2 what u're saying. U gotta b able 2 trust each other, if u can't then u're probably right, u's should break up. Let her kno what u feel, i kno she'll like it. If u neva told her u luv her, now'd b a good time 2. I kno the odds are against u, deciding who 2 trust, best friends or the guy u like but u neva kno, if she likes u enough, i think she'll believe u coz she'd kno u or something. I don't kno if this helps but i'm tired so things might not make sense.


'Luck anyway


Happy Heb

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oh dear...I hated when that happened!

Listen this is the time when you have to stand tall, and take the higher road. Ignore it. If its lies, tell her once that is in fact lies, and you will not participate in even worrying about it. That you like her and that she either trusts you or leaves you. (this is risky but it proves you are standing your ground). Do not get involved, do not call the friends...who cares what they say...they are a bunch of silly gossip queens who have nothing better to do....don't stoop.....ignore it. If she decides to believe them, continue to ignore the situation...and tell her fine...I would rather have a girl who believes in me..and go about with your head up...this is sure to grab her attention

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ok thanyou for all the help.

we are trying to work it all out. I think it is coming through. Now there is something else though. There is something she really wants to tell me, but she doesnt know if it will change the way i think of her. I told her she should keep it to herself until she wants to let it go. I also invited her to meet me somewhere during the week to talk about things. Do you think i should do anything else? o ya and with the standing your ground thing. It sounds like a good idea, but i love her so much and i couldnt bare having her leave because i say that she trusts me or leaves me. I think over time after this event she might trust me some more. I hope i can get back to her, and stay with her longer. You advice is truly helping. thankyou so much.

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It just got worse. She went to the movies with some of her friends and some guys. one guy named lets say Jack(dont wanna give out real name) OK well i knew about it and i was fine with it. But later i heard that "Jack" and her were cuddling up but that is all. I concider that cheating. But now i found "jacks" screen name on aim. In his profile he says that he loves her(my girlfriend) What do you think i should do. I dont know if he is secretly cheating behind my back or if he just really wants to be with her. So should I tell her i found his screen name and in there it says that he loves her? Or should i just wait and see what happens? It looks like she still wants to be with me but doesnt know what to do. I need halp fast! please some1 any1 post a reply of what i should do.

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well I can only assume this is the info she said she needed to tell you about. I am also thinking now this "you spreading rumors" was a nice cover for her indecision. I think that you should indeed ask her about him, but again don't fall into the gossip trap.!!! Just ask her to tell you about him, and what he means to her...if you are calm, you are more likely to get an honest answer.

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oh sweetie I am so very sorry about this! How awful for you....

I think don't worry right now about having to do anything...you are going to have at least a few pretty bad days where you feel like crap...try and stay busy, cry if you need too and seek support here as well.

I think that you should just try and process it all right now.

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Ok well we are nbow broken up but still talk about it. I'mtrying to get back 2gether with her. because i love her sooooooo much it is hard to explain. But the reason she said es to this other guy was because she thought i was mad at her and that i was lying. But i was never mad at her i i never lied to her She knows that now and said that is she knew that b4 she wouldve never said yes. I'm hoping that in my opinion it is easier to lose some1 early on in a relationship, im hoping that maybe we can get back together. I dont know what to do, i love her so much and i wish i could turn back the hands of time and tell her that i loved her and wasnt mad at her. but i cant I need help

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well i went and saw her today. I couldnt talk to her for the first 20 min kinda like an emptional thing. But i talked to her some more. and last night i couldnt go to sleep and she couldnt with er so she came on and that helped alot. WE talked alot and i gave her an option, to go with me or him, but i told her a little nicer than this but i told her that our realtionship was going great i thought, and that she just met this guy for the first time and it is easier to break off an early relationship. So i think she thought about it all night. Well i did meet her today, and we went and did stuff. It was going pretty bad for me. But as it moved on somehow i ended up walking to her house. And we talked and we started to kiss, but i pulled away saying i didnt think it was right, because i knew how i felt when she did the stuff with that other kid. and i kinda felt sry for that kid that i was doing that now. but i told her i was sorry. I think she understood. but i hope this one little puch towards me will make her fall into my arms. I couldnt stand the time we were apart. It killed me. I'm really hoping that we can get back together and i hope the other kid doesnt feel to bad. I feel kinda sorry for him. But i think it is better for me to be with her. please post any comments or suggestions about this. thankyou for the help

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