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should i date him again?

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well, ive dated this guy for 2 months before, in june. but now i kinda like him again, and he flirts with me and i flirt back, but plus hes soo shy soemtimes and hes a hard-to-read person, u kinda dont know what hes feeling, and i dont want to ask him cuz i dont want to make eveyrthing akward and ruin our new friendship...we broke up before cuz of my stupid weird feelings i get of not wanting to be commited to someone, and he hated me for a while and i dont want him to again. but if i have the chance...should i try being with him again?

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You need to ask yourself, if you really like him and are willing to be in a commited relationship. Then, ask yourself, if he is not interested can you still be friends? I am guessing that you can. If so, you need to sit down and have an adult conversation. You need to tell him how you felt in the past and why. You need to tell him how you feel now and if he does not feel the same way, then you are fine being friends. I am sure he got hurt very badly. Just ask him in a very non pressure way, if he would like to take it slow and give it a shot? If he is shy, then after you say all of this, then ask if he would be will to go on one date and see how it goes? He may not have feelings for you anymore, but I am guessing he does. He would probably not be friends with you anymore unless he still has feelings or he truly respects you as a person and values your friendship. I am guessing that it is all of those. Just be honest as long as you are ok with him saying he only wants to be friends. You have nothing to lose. Worse case scenario you stay friends and he gets a little ego boost. He deserves that.lol

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Do you know if he certainly "hated" you? That's probably unlikely. So start fresh, be who you are and be brave enough to tell him you'd like a second chance. Compliment him.


Sometimes men don't get compliments, and they so often get beat over the head for not offering enough compliments to women. They like positive feedback, too!


Also, approach things in a no-pressure way, just ask what he's doing one night and see if he's free to hangout with you. Be specific, select a date/time/place. Then, if he says no, reschedule or ask him if he is interested.


It's best to just say it, even if you feel you'll faint from the nerves!

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I agree with Ocrob. Are you even ready to go into a serious relationship with him? Even if you manage to get back together, what makes you think the weird feeling won't come back and ruin your relationship with him again?


If you are really serious about pursuing him, don't wait, make a move for him now. You've told him to move on two months ago, and with each passing day, chances of him finding someone new increase. So act now, don't wait.


Start by asking him out for coffee or something, and make your interest in him clear, in words. Then move on from there.


Good luck!

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