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Torn in love

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I'm in love with a very special girl. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. I wish she was near me always. A grin comes accross my face when I think of her. She is sweet and loving. She has a beautiful soul. I love her, I really do. I want to tell her how much I love her but I can't. I would die for this girl but I doubt that she knows it. How can you tell someone this when you are pretty sure they don't feel the same way.

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In order to be "absolute" sure of her feelings, you will have to tell her. I think people complicate the whole part of conveying their feelings...don't fret too much on the words you use........be honest, and say what is in your heart. Be guinine. That is what will touch her more than some wordy proclaimation. In love you have to take a chance. If nothing else, it will give you some peace of mind to know exactly where she stands. best of luck

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