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OK, this girl a I liked each other for a really long time, we did everything togther, and everytime i look at her i always feel happy. lk with some people i have to fake being happy, but just being around her, i always smile. But she just told me the other day that she liked someone else more than me, and now their goin out together. I still have huge feelings for her, but i dunno wut 2 do! anyone...help

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All I can say is, tell her how you feel. Be honest and open. Show her that she really does mean something, and it's not just words. Don't get obsessive, being that she has a boyfriend, but send her flowers or something... If that doesn't work, there's not much else you can do. If you really care about her, you wouldn't want to force her to be with you by pleading with her, and risk her being unhappy.

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Yea, I know it's tough. The problem is that sometimes people say the wrong things or do the wrong things because they don't understand their emotions, or get scared about being emotionally involved. I've been there. I'm not saying that everything will work out the way you want, but You never know. If you open up and let her know that you really care, it may stir some emotions that she's almost unaware of. Like I said, don't push it, you should want her to be happy, and if it means that's with someone else, you'll have to swallow that. It is definitely not a good thing to have her with you while she doesn't want to be, or for the wrong reasons.


I guess I'm just suggesting that you give it one last chance. If you care, you might as well try.


Good luck!


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