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Father has begun throwing things

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I think until they finally have call you back on your job selection, you'll need to consider being out of the house as much as possible. The last thing that needs to happen (as I'm sure you realize anyhow) is for some injury by your father's abusive behavior to set you back in this upcoming job.


As DarkBlue mentioned hopefully everything will fall into place soon and you're able to move on with life without your father's behavior.

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When will they get back to you?


Hopefully, it will be soon. And until then, the only thing you can do is try and stay out of his way.


They said the 27th and beyond, my recruiter said less then a month from your appointment date can they start pull jobs, im guessing after 2006 due to pay increase reasons so im filed as a 2006 cadet and not 2005/2006.


I am trying to stay out of his way darkblue as much as I can, I sit silently away in my closed room, this is bad news I dont understand why this upsurge in anger is coming from. If I was pissing him off id say yea I was doing this or doing that; but this is blindly picking fights with me for no reason. Or the simplist infraction is like a death sentence. Alike yesterday was a inncident my towel was not perfectly flush with the others, that cost me about 10 minutes of him yelling how lazy I am!! AHHH that is the opposite of what I am.


Ive sold everything off cept my laptop and my clothing so im just waiting to go with one duffell bag to my cousins for storage and then boot.


Can you believe anyone so excited about bootcamp being better then being with his own father. Hes also exclaimed he rather not watch his * * * * * son graduate from bootcamp since its not the toughest branch for real men. Ughhh... Ok! Im glad your not going!


When will he learn. I dont know... But he will learn the hard way in the end when he finds himself alone without family or friends...

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I think until they finally have call you back on your job selection, you'll need to consider being out of the house as much as possible. The last thing that needs to happen (as I'm sure you realize anyhow) is for some injury by your father's abusive behavior to set you back in this upcoming job.


As DarkBlue mentioned hopefully everything will fall into place soon and you're able to move on with life without your father's behavior.


True I take your advice on getting out of the house.. I love to excercise but its sooooo COLD... that it makes it torture then fun. Being with friends are gone during the holidays as well as my cousins with the other side of there family.


Ha im just screwed at this moment. But thank you for the advice.

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since its not the toughest branch for real men

This statement in itself may be reasoning in his mind, depending when the abusive behavior began originally.


If he was abusive before you decided on the Air Force, it may be his nature (not that I'm trying to justify his actions in any shape or form, its unacceptable reason or not) and is a display, then again this maybe his unhealthy manner of showing his anger towards your choices.


My family doesn't go to the point of throwing things but my father doesn't approve of several of my choices (even though each have had positive results) and I often get a few choice words and picky behavior about the slightest things when I'm home, and the towel perfection+lecture rang a bell to me. Recently while at home I dropped a soda can (unopened undamaged except a slight dent) and heard an all out lecture, and my thoughts are, none of this truly occurred until I made all my own life decisions and didn't let my father choose for me. Instead of dealing properly with it by discussing he didn't care for my choices he'd rather take it out in a spiteful manner.


That may well be your fathers problem, of course like I say, all depends on timing I suppose.

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