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A Question for the ladies


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Thanks Shysoul. Those were sweet remarks.

I don't want to write quiet guys off entirely. I find I'm compatible with someone who likes my outgoing nature. But ... the quiet ones so far have also been the source of my pain. I'm trying to remain open to whatever comes my way, it's just hard when you get hurt a lot.

Happy New Year everyone!

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Mjane, it is hard when you've been hurt. And as hard as I fight to defend the shy and quiet ones, they aren't perfect. They can hurt people just as much. But don't give up. The pain is miserable now, but in the end it is guiding you to something wonderful. Have faith. Merry new year.

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  • 5 months later...

I think the definition of a "bad boy" in dating is: "doesn't want to stick around"... like with the girl who is the object of interest... he is a sort of player and he's hard to tame. I think girls like this guy because it's an innate sort of reaction... I think it's partly subconscious that we like these guys over the nice guys... and also I think it's the idea of wanting what you can't have, and sometimes you can't just HAVE the "bad boy."

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