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What can a girl do?!


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Hi! Let me start my story...


I am seeing three guys right now! Whom I all really like, I cannot choose. Two out of the three are Army. One who doesn't live here, but I do see on occasion, one who is here training and the other who just lives here. One I have been talking to for almost two years, that is the guy who doesnt live here. The other one is here and I just met but he will be leaving in March and the other one Ive been seeing now for 2 months. I want to be with all three of these guys. WHAT DO I DO? One of them even thinks I am his g/f and I dont see it that way. OH and I am in the middle of a divorce and I am 23 years old!!! HELP

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Get a divorce for Petes sake and just take some time for yourself.

Make those 3 guys meet each other and move to the mountains for a couple of years

…Experience god… smell a pretty yellow flower …take a bath in a cold mountain river…

go wale hunting in the arctic ocean… Get tested and make a post. Tell us how you perceive live after all that.

I guess I’m just trying to say … “WHERE IS YOUR PROBLEM? “

Are you madly in love with all at the same time … do you know what love is?

And just out of curiosity

-Why did you get married in the first place?


I’m depressed and my doctor is a vicious brain-eating monster. I’m under medication

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