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In the end, it doesn't even matter...


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Hi J,


As I just PM'd you, believe in yourself, and have faith.


She took advantage of you, of your kind nature, your big heart, your trust, your love, because she knew that most wouldn't. She did not respect it however.


You did the right thing by ending it, I know it is not easy, but you did stand up for yourself and did do what you had to do. Learn from this, know you are worth love, but do not accept that which is not respectful, compassionate, caring, reciprocal, honest and faithful. Do not close your heart, but do be careful of whom you entrust the key to.


You will be okay, your posts have shown me that you have a great heart, and personality, and any woman WORTH your love, will recognize that. Take time to heal, and find that love for yourself again.





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What the heck happened???!!!!

The woman I loved and gave all of myself to chose sexual Yahoo chats, text messages, and telephone calls with a 50 something cam girl addict in California, over us and what we had together. I still sit here wondering why she bothered with the tears and the guilt she felt over something she had no intention on ending. Why cry for me when deep down you couldn't care in the least?

But he dumped her, in a truly mature and adult way. I applude Jake for doing the thing that was right for him.

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I'm glad you realize that you are a caring, compassionate, loving and funny man. It's important not to forget that.


Sure your ego is bruised but you still have your pride and your self-respect. You were strong enough to break up with her when she hurt you, when so many in your situation cannot even do that.


You are a better person. And you know what? She cried because she realized she jeopardized and lost something really special. HER loss, not yours.


Keep your head up. You're awesome and you'll be fine. Time heals everything.

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But he dumped her, in a truly mature and adult way. I applude Jake for doing the thing that was right for him.


I only ask because our last update from him was that they reconciled. I was wondering the what, who, when, and why. This was just a week ago that he posted his reconcilation with her.

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Hi J,


As I just PM'd you, believe in yourself, and have faith.


She took advantage of you, of your kind nature, your big heart, your trust, your love, because she knew that most wouldn't. She did not respect it however.


You did the right thing by ending it, I know it is not easy, but you did stand up for yourself and did do what you had to do. Learn from this, know you are worth love, but do not accept that which is not respectful, compassionate, caring, reciprocal, honest and faithful. Do not close your heart, but do be careful of whom you entrust the key to.


You will be okay, your posts have shown me that you have a great heart, and personality, and any woman WORTH your love, will recognize that. Take time to heal, and find that love for yourself again.








Wow, that is an awesome reply RayKay. I needed to hear it too. Thanks.

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It's funny how finally coming to terms with who I am as a man, and looking at her actions, motivation, and agenda have calmed me and given me a belief in myself I never knew existed.


I guess we can gain strength from the most unlikely of situations, and build on that.



That's my .02 anyway.






You're right, when you step away from it and evaluate what actually happened, and how she behaved, you can see more clearly that it's not worth your pain. It just means that she was something other than what you were led to believe. Truth brings such freedom and peace!

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