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My next move? Please look, thanks!

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Hey all, I'm just needing some short advice here.


If you read my previous posts you will see how my ex and I are getting quite close again, and we've hung out the past 2 weekends, and we talk everyday on IM, and at school now.


She always initiates conversations with me, and is obvioulsy into me again( I know her very well and she doesn't treat other guys like she treats me).


I am just wondering what my next move should be? I want to get back together with her, but I don't want to seem too eager because I feel that will lead me down the wrong path. SO far, I have bee quite aloof, and very confident and the 'cool' guy to be around.


She's been intiating mostly every conversation, and the odd time I do either at school or on the computer, just so she knows there's some interest. Christmas is coming up.. and I'm wondering if I should get her something, big small, or what?


We also have an X-mas dance this Thursday night and im guessing we'll be hanging out there too.. and sometime on the weekend as well.


What should my next move be, in order to receive the greatest results (getting back together.)



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Don't get her a gift, you aren't back together yet. If you must get her something then get her a CD, something small like that. Don't go over the top.


Honestly, just keep doing what you been doing so far. Be confident and cool about things. Let things happen on their own. If she wants to get back with you then it shouldn't be too long before she brings that up--unless you were the one who broke up, then it's you who should mention it.

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Nope, she was the one that broke it off.

But she's also the one initiating mostly everyone conversation too.


How long would you say before something should change ways?

I guess it's different for everyone. I'll just keep doing what i'm doing I guess, I just wanted to know if my situation sounds like it's going in the right direction.

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