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Shy women

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What does a shy guy do? It's the same thing.


Does the person drop there head and avoid eye contact?


Does the person glance at you often, but quickly turns away so as not to be caught.


Does the person give you an extra sweet and shy smile?


Does the person try to avoid contact with you?


Does the person get very quiet when they are talking with you in a group?


Um... probably lots more I'm not thinking of right now. But just think about what you would do if you liked a girl and were too shy or nervous to say something to him. Girls act the same way (at least for the most part).

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does like looking peripherally count?


Hey Metallica, Yes peripherally counts. I just did that today in fact. So um.. is there a specific shy girl and her mannerisms that you have in mind?


How can you tell if a shy girl's interested in you??
If the following looks familiar, it's because I'm too lazy to rewrite it.


Um...er they blush. They steal glances at you, but quickly look away if they think you've caught on. They try to sit close to you in class so that they can pine after you undetected. They're drawn to you, but if you talk to them, they freak out, get flustered, breathless, and their words tumble over each other or they can't speak. They look sad or upset when you’re attention is focused on other girls. Sometimes they ignore you to keep their feelings from being too obvious.


So how can you tell if they’re shy or you’re imagining things?

- Look for a feeling of growing TENSION between you.

- Note if they try to spend a lot of time near you especially if it’s not required.

- Compare how shy/nervous their interactions are with you vs. other males.

- Watch how they react when you flirt with other females.

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What does a shy guy do? It's the same thing.


Does the person drop there head and avoid eye contact?


Does the person glance at you often, but quickly turns away so as not to be caught.


Does the person give you an extra sweet and shy smile?


Does the person try to avoid contact with you?


Does the person get very quiet when they are talking with you in a group?


The only problem is that all of those "signs" could be made by someone who has no romantic interest at all. Don't believe me? Go here:


You will read stories about guys who got all kinds of "signs" only to find out they were wrong.


If you like a girl, don't wait for "signs" that could easily mean something,or mean nothing. If you want to ask her out then do it. I know it takes guts and nerve to muster up the initiative to do it, but if it is what you want to do then do it and don't let your own self doubts stop you.

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