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I Dont Know

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Ok I Like This Girl and Im Trying To Get Over Bying Shy The Only Thing Is I Think She Is Shy To (i Think She Is) We Chat Ever Ones And A Wiall Im Going To Ask Her To Two Ball.chirstmas And Valitens If The First One Goes Went Well But I Need Tips On How To Ask Her Out To The Ball. She Knowes Im Going To Ask Her But I Need Help Doing It

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Don't be nervous or scared. That will just make things harder. She knows you are going to ask. Does it seem like she wants you to ask? Does she seem happy to talk to you and excited about the idea of going? If so, then she should be giving you a yes, which means you don't have anything to worry about.


I wouldn't be formal about it. You are already nervous enough about it and shy as well, trying to be formal just puts more pressure on you. Don't think about doing it, just ask her if she wants to go to the ball with you. It doesn't have to be much or anything special, just speak from the heart and let her know you are interested in going with her.

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Well, if I were him and I like this girl a lot I'd be probably a bit nervous no matter what. Basically just have a general idea of what your going to say, and you should do fine.


It's going to be pretty hard if you plan and stress, (but possible, although I don't recommend it lol) but just next time you get a chance to talk to her, chat for a while so she doesn't expect it (like 2 minutes) then say whatcha got ta say .

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Well, first chat about homework or something, something really dull like that (because your not friends already and yeah you 2 don't know each other like best friends do so yeah) haha, then you could randomly pop in "so what do ya like to do outside of school" and give her a smile...a SINCERE smile think like while looking at her "you make me happy" in your head then smile it should help ya out, that sounds really stupid but trust me it'll work man. I'm tellin' ya to do this because, well you seem like you actually want to get to know her, so ask her questions!! Plus once you ask like about what she does and stuff I bet she'll get the message and that's what you want to do, because its reassuring what the person told everyone in class. Oh yeah and if you feel like asking her questions isn't what your looking for you shouldn't be even asking her to the dance/asking her out, because you just think she's hot and yea its pretty shallow man.


Sure when guys are interested in a girl (but haven't talked to her, got to know her yet) usually their physical characteristics catch our eye but man if your going for just that your going to be less happy than if she was average looking with an awesome personality.

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