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can u help me


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for the first month of school iv liked this girl but i have not gotten the courage to ask her out after i did.but ididnt. there is this dance comeing up at our school and i want to ask her to today this one kid told the class and the girl that are her friends told me she want to go wheith some one els.what showed i do

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Her friends said she wanted ta go with someone else, this is probably hella devastating to you but she's not interested man. Plus I guarantee your just infatuated because she's hot and your driven by hormones so yea lol. There's a hell of a lot more women out there man your just not looking hard enough or just looking for the wrong reasons (i.e. good figure).

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She Didnt Say Any Thing She Gest Looked At Me Weird.and1 More Things I Cant Dance Period


It wasn't the result you wanted but you should feel proud that you did what so many other guys wanted to do, but didn't have the nerve to do. Congratulations on taking a big step. If you can do that everytime you are interested in someone then you will be far more successful than most guys because while they are wanting to ask, you are doing it.

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