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Reading Articles

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Hi all,

I have been posting here for a short while, i am some what lost at times in my relatonships with friends, family and potenial GF's.

Some advices given here are invaluable whilst some, well, i would say some lead you to the wrong direction. But what i have found is direction.

I recomend reading some of the article here, they are an eye opener, they help point youin the right direction.

I know, I know. you have come here to vent, but after venting and whining take the time to do someting for yourself and read some useful material that WILL help point you in the right direction instead of continuely whinging. Then and only then can you get out of your situation.

Motivational books were more helpful to me then relationship fixing books, and that was for me, for you it maybe something else. BUT selfesteem is very important in a relationship.


take care.

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I agree with you - I think posters should probably read related articles before posting their own problems - there are so many threads that are about the same things and it will be a definite means of giving them direction with their problems.


I am probably a big culprit of posting up without reading similar posts but I think my problems are slightly more screwed up than other people's haha... well probably not now that I think about it... but let's just say they are more "curly"!



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Well..i kind of agree with you there.. except that, like you, i want to Vent!.

that is y there is the board..other wise i would have bought a book on self improvement... But at time reading make the bllodly thing worst... at times it makes it better.. but my opinion... u have to give it a shot. other wise u wont know if it wil help.. so read!!

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