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How did I do?

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You did good and deserve a pat on the back. But make sure you dont expect anything out of this. Although i think you could have hit a home run had you just not said anyhin during and after the ten sec silence. You are sure on your target.

Good luck and keep us posted.

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Sounds like you got her good as she was pouting at the end of the day, rock on!


When do you start looking at her as just another person? Is that possible? I'm having the problem with my ex, but it's been going on for a lot longer. I mean, how much time passes before you even start PRETENDING not to care? Sorry, don't mean to hijack the thread

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It's funny, but I am starting to look at my ex not as another person, but as a stranger, but a stranger that looks like someone I used to know but I can't quite put my finger on what it was about that person that I was prepared to put EVERYTHING on the line for. Takes a little time but you gradually start moving to that point.

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Welcome back Keefy, its been awhile. I just came back a week or so ago. Heard anything from VHS or Coda as of late? Sorry, back to the topic at hand.


I just caught myself up on a couple of your threads.


...I didn't tell her the real reason but to be perfectly honest, I don't want to talk to her right now.


What do you mean by this? What was the real reason? Did you send her an email hoping to hear something back?

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