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Hey, Ok...Basicaaly I am a loser in my grade. I have lots of frinds yah...lost more than those sk*nky popular ****! But to others I am a loser. Why? I am perfectly normal. I act like everyone else, get average grades like everyone else, and hang out wiht normal people? Basketball season is about to start. I LOVE basketbal. But last year all I did was run around on the court. The popular bi*ches wouldn't pass me the ball ro give me a chance. The coach says I am great. But the other girls just don't see it. What can I do? Do I just try and get the ball then show em what I can do? Or what?

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hey.. dont u hate those popular people who only think of themsevles!!! and think they're so perfect ..and nothing could do them wrong.except the're made of glass so even if the simplest pebble was thrown they'd break? anyway my school is full of them.So i see where your coming from..school is hard enough without them being there. my advice to you is try talking to them like during a game just make small talk and show them your nice and that they can pass you the ball unless there are really big snots then maybe it wont happen but its worth a try. right?

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Hey. I kind of know where you're coming from. I'm a junior in high school and i play basketball as well. Although, I'm not the greatest. And there are certain people on the team that, well, you pretty much described them above. i do have some good friends on the team so it usually works out but i try and do my best. High School isn't forever, and most of these girls you will never see again at all.

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But the other girls just don't see it.

They see it, don't worry. If they didn't see it, they'd probably pass you the ball.


I used to play basketball at the Middle School and High School levels and you will always have a problem with the popular people if you're not popular yourself and have talent. Because (A) it would defeat their being popular "purpose" and (B) show that its not just the popular individuals whom have talent, thus you're threatening to them.


Eventually those I worked with they learned about passing the ball. There will be a point sometime where you'll be open and their friends won't. It may be the making or breaking point of the game: Scrape their ego by passing to you, OR, chop their ego by losing. Othertimes, you may have to take the incentive and really fight with your own team members to catch the ball. Not saying actually fight over it, but when one is going for the ball, don't back away, get it for yourself. More you back off and remain passive, the worse it will get because it will just appear acceptable. Once you're able to show you've got spirit and you won't be put off it will most likely ring a bell in their heads.


Anyhow as said by another, HS isn't forever. Eventually they'll be gone and reality will bite. Most of those sort of people get a major reality check when it comes to college, their HS status doesn't carry off to college and by the time it hits them they're already in a rut. No special favors in the land of college, most professors you're a name and a number and nothing anymore if you don't prove and succeed.

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