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what is the protocol on gift giving?

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hummm. a gift for a guy, well i'm a guy so i might be able to help you out.



Let me first tell you to ask yourself this Question.. What does he like to do





And just about everything else that guys do. is he a sports freak, for a certain team. maybe ticket to go see the team with you would be an idea?

Or maybe going out on just a Dinner date. getting Drunk, that always seems to work (drunk people express feeling they hold in while not drunk)


Just'a little note to make. But you see what i'm saying, We Don't know this guy, only you do. you have dated off & on in the past. so we really have nothing to go on except that.


I think for a gift a good idea would be something charming. something thats going to make him remember that birthday. You see where i'm going with this. DONT think that....i'm not the type to imply such a Suggestion. lol, Any ways a gift would consist of the following


New Car, maybe one of those new BMW's ok i'm just kidding.


Seriously now...a gift for a guy (thinking).........................................................................................................................................(still thinking)..............................


Oh' OK how about this...A night out, just you 2, you take him somewhere blindfolded. in a Limo or just in your car whatever...make it a Total Surprise, but one that he will be like "WHOA" maybe a Place where all his friends are at. a Surprise party...or a party where it's just you 2 together. that would let him know your still interested in him (if you are)..Ok i', running short of ideas. cause gift buying for men Is a hard thing too do.

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Lol, like ur response S4il. Depends on how old this guy is. I'm a guy but i'm still a teen. I don't think we like 2 tell ppl what we want, it could b me but yea. Coz at the end of the day, at least it's for a guy, i'm sure he'll like it no matter what as long as u're friends wif him. Gift vouchers may seem like a good idea if u don't kno the person well enough but sometimes, at the time when it's needed, it doesn't mean anything more than just a piece of paper, that's what i thought when my gf gave one 2 me but i luv her so much that it doesn't matter.


Another thing i'd recommend would b accessories, like chains, bracelts, belts etc. I'm sure he'll like them 2.

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he's going to be 29. he's got all the stuff he could want as far as computers or sports or cars or whatever.


last year when we were dating he received flowers from someone else, so it's kind of a sore spot for me. i made him a cake, got him all this cool stuff and all of a sudden he's got a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

but i digress...


i'm afraid that if i try to make plans with him in advance, he might blow me off for something else. remember, he is technically single - we're not exclusive.


how about if i just call him that day and offer to take him out for dinner or something?



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