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What is she thinking???


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There is this girl that I have been talking with when I see her at a bar I go to...


I only go there usually on Friday's and meet my friends there for a drink...


Well we have been talking and flirting a bit...We get along good...


Now, two weeks ago one of my friends was there before the rest of us and she was there with her friend...My friend told me that she was asking him where I was that night, now our other friend was not there and she did not ask about him at all...


SO I get there and she is all smiles and says hi and asks where I was that night...We start talking for a little while and later on she comes back and sits down again and we start talking again and I exchange numbers with her...My friend told me that before I got there she was just sitting there and not smiling when other guys came over to talk to her until I got there


The day before Thanksgiving I call and leave her a message to see if she is going down the bar that night...SHecalls me back and we talk a little as she was sitll at work and tells me that probably her and her friend will go down and she will call me later...

Well she calls me and says that they are going down there...Later she texts me to tell me they are going down the bar now and I say ok see you there...THings go well we are both flirting and I am starting to ask what she likes and we say we should go do some things together...


Friday night I go to a friends house and will meet my other frineds at the bar later that night...Well I go down and hang out with everybody and talk with her again, now all this time she is flirting but not overly so with touching and such....Well there is this drunk guy who is bothering some of the girls including her and she comes over to me and hugs me and tells him that I am her boyfriend to get him to go away...


We are talking on and off all night until at the end of the night we are talking about the casino and how she would like to go and i say ok...So I ask when is good and she says Saturday but I am busy and tell her then she says SUnday and I tell her I already have plans also that day and say are you busy this week and she says I don't know now before I can ask her out for Wednesday she says I will call you...


I don't get it if she is not interested why does she ask my friends about where I am and act more happy when I come in...We flirt with each other and she seems interested and then sometimes it seems like she is not...


I ask her out but don't get a yes or no just a I'll call you...I take that as a not interested in you...


WOuld like you opinions on this as I am confused with this whole situation....


Any help here would be appreciated...

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I am not looking for anything serious just going out and getting to know each other better and see what happens...


I thought about that but I don't think so from what I get...


She is early 20's so who knows, most at those ages don't know what they want...Maybe she really is not that interested in me that much...


Thank you for the reply charlotte....

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am I reading this wrong? At the end, didn't you ask her when she was free, she provided TWO days, and you said you were busy on both? How is that HER fault?


You're busy on the weekend and she might be busy on the following week...without further clues, I'd assume its just unlucky timing, and try to go out with her as soon as you both are free. I don't see how she's blowing you off at all

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I agree with traz, I don't see where you got this "she's not interested" idea. Not only did she agree to going out on a date, but she counter offered you for Sunday since you were busy on Saturday. Her working with you to find a day is a good sign. You said that she told you she would call you back after her failed counter offer before you could say "Wednesday"... so what? Who cares if she said that before you could suggest Wednesday you still could have asked if she had plans that day.


You are worrying way too much and if you continue this it will bite you in the butt. You were doing fine and now all of the sudden you're confusing youself and creating drama in your head. Relax, call her up, and ask her out. Don't get off that phone until you get a set date.

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Traz and Diggity you are both right....


After talking with my friend, seeing your posts, and thinking about it you are all right....SHe is interested and I maybe have not been as definitive as I should be with her so maybe she thinks I am not that interested in her...


SHe tried to meet me half way and I dropped the ball....So far our timing has not been good but I will be more definitive with us getting together...I forgot to add that after she said "I'll call you" she walked away, that is why I took it as she was blowing me off...I take it that you guys don't take it that way...



Thank you for all your help guys...

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