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I seem to have run into a girl that goes into circles when ever I ask anything about her. From her body language it looks like she doesn't want me to talk to her, but she would say bye, hi, and start up converstations with me. I also found out that she has been studying me which I have also been doing as well. I am pretty sure she has yet to figure me out besides that I am interested in her.


I have thrown some odd balls at her and so far it has gotten her off guard, but the last one she caught on fast and threw it right back at me. She also seems to catch on quicker and quicker on what ever ways I try to find any info about her directly from her. But one interesting thing tho is when her boss was leaving and she was picking up trash that fell from a rip bag her boss said "Oh look its your budy".


I offer to help her pick up the trash, but she said no. Later on she hrass me in a joking manner on how I didn't help her with the trash and I said that I did as I repeated the exact line I said to her when I offered to help her. She wasn't ready for my comeback and knew that I did once I repeated what I said. She then ask me why I got defensive, I said I didn't then she copy my voice and contuine the coversation.


I am being to think that she likes the chase and the attention she is getting from this, but if this was the case then there will be no need to study me that much. I also think that she may be just teasing me or just flirting for fun as well and during the process she is reading and studying me on how I react to it. I am thinking of going to her co-workers and see what info I can get. I sure be able to get something out of her co-workers to use to get the upper hand (hey it does help lol).


But the one thing I find the most interesting besides going in circles and even chaning the topic on anything I ask that deals with her is her body language. Her body langauge says "I don't want to deal with you" or "I don't want to talk to you" or "Leave me alone". But yet she talks to me as if this is not the case.


As you can tell I have no idea what is up with her and hopefully someone can give me some insight. I can provide more info if needed. Right now I plan on talking to her co-workers and talking less to her and see what happens.

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