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aww if he did...thats wayy cute...

ok so he called me back and i

talked to him...he wanted me to come

over to his friends and he offered to

come pick me up from my friends

to go back to his house and he'll drop me

off in the morning...sooo I didn't go and

i didnt end up seeing him.


I like him yall...but he didn't keep his word

he told me he was going to take me out on

a date and never did!

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it kind of makes me feel like he doesn't want to show me off or this might just be me, but wouldn't you think thats kind of a lame date?


I don't think it's too lame. Maybe he just wanted to hang out with you around friends first. This happens a lot with men I meet, we hang out a few times in a group setting and then we go out on a "first date". It's good because you get to see the person interact socially with others, which is a good way to "size them up", so to speak.

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