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Its been about 4 months since my Ex left me. I feel much better than what I did in the beginning... I have some good days but mostly I'm just depressed or really angry.


At least I've gotten past the phase of needing to call her all the time, nowadays its her that will send me a text every now and then asking how I am.


I'm really struggling with my perception of myself though. I'm permanently thinking that I don't earn enough or that I don't look good enough. I know I shouldn't feel this way, I'm better off financially than all of my friends and as far as looks are concerned I shouldn't complain either.


I still cant control how I feel though, I'm permanently in the Gym whenever I see someone else that is built better than me it drives me insane. I keep thinking that my ex could date that person which would make me second best.


In the end all I do is push and push until I cant anymore and then I'm depressed cos I'm not moving fast enough. I live to workout at the moment and no matter how hard I push it isn't far enough and I still feel completely worthless.


When will this ever end..?

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Hi there, I felt the exact same way!


At the end of the day it boils down to insecurity- if you dont feel good about yourself from within then you will allow those thoughts of the ex dating someone' better' than you to affect you.


You need to tell yourself that you are more than just a physical body- it is your soul that someone will fall in love with and if a women only wants you for your muscles then you had better run a mile! One day when you are old and all your good looks have crumbled into wrinkles and flab then that is the time that you want to look at your partner besides you and know that despite how you look she loves you as much as the first time she ever saw you.


So what if the ex finds someone more attractive? They may not be a nice person at all.


You need to trust that you are good enough as you are and that because of that you will find the right person for you, muscles or no muscles!


Dont allow yourself to be dragged into societies shallowness that unless you have muscles or are skinny that you are not beautiful. Your soul is beautiful and that is what counts!


Chin up

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sometimes looks dont mean anything. i met this guy...he is pretty good looking....but he is stupid, shallow, personalityless, abusive, mean, hurtful, disrespectful, lame, moraless, and a user.


he laughed when i told him i went to dinner with this other guy. but the other guy......wow! morals, respect, decency, a great personality, kind, nice, good, caring...wow!!


sadly, mr. pathetic will never realize how 10000000000x this other guy is. he cant hold a candle to him. his looks are worthless because he is nothing inside.

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