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Well, do you kno how he feels about u? At this point, i would stay out of his relationship with his current gf. if you tell him, it would definitely put pressure on his current relationship. You should just consider him a friend,for now. get to know him and become his friend first of all and then go from there.


there r such things as web cams? ooh that's kinda cool. well good luck to you!!!!

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I don't really understand who you can love someone without even seeing them in person. Maybe it's love at first site. But you should really meet him before you deside. You should go for someone that isn't taken. Or another option is to wait until he is single. But who knows how long that will be. You will probably fall for someone else by then. Besides he's not in high school and he won't be until another year. Can you really wait for him? He doesn't know you.


You will find your prince someday, you don't have to worry about that one. Someone who will sweep you off your feet, lol literally.

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No, don't say anything. HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND. OK, you know him well enough to care for him—so be good to him, don't try to break up his relationship. And care enough about YOURSELF to be willing to really get to know an appropriate AVAILABLE guy before you decide that it's love.

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I dont know if he likes me back.but his friend is asking. i know i will find someone but i have never felt like this about a guy . some of my friends say i should give him little hints should i ? i know its wrong cause he has a gf . but i dont know what to do i am just so confussed

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