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Girl wants to kiss so do i what do i do

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K i went to utah for a vaction and to vist a girl thats a friend we have been friends like since the 7th grade and i'm 13 turing 14 in a month and well we saw each other 2 days the first one she did some stuff that made me feel like she loved me then on the 2 day we were at my moms go away party and she came and we talked alone for about 2 hours like the last hour she toold me that she was thinking something and i said wut well after about 20 min of talking she wanted to kiss so did i becuase of 2 reasons she has a bf so i respected that and that i know how to kiss but you know she my best friend it was going to be werid but i love her so much the night she left she cried and i held her but i wanted to kiss her and oh yeah how do u know if u should ust kiss her once or after the first kiss kiss again then lead to make out? thx

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Sometimes friends make the best matches for us....you sound very excited about this. I think that moving on from the first kiss will just feel right. There is no perfect time, or way to know. Its just in the way the moment flows. You will know and she will let you know if it is right for her. Everything happens in its proper time.....so take it slow.

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hey thx yeah i think that friends do make the best couples i mean shes had alot a bf's and after each one i've always been there for her. and i did have the oppertunity to kiss her i mean she told me that she wanted to and i told her that i wanted to and right when we were about to i stoped because she has a bf living in nj and we were in ut and i thought how bad that was so when i was drving her home and held hand and see told me that when she got inside that she was going to miss me alot and now i being baack home shes telling me that she respects wut i did but wishs that we had kissed and that she misses me alot and that she ca't live without me.

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