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A lil help please


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Heya, I have read this in a few threads on here, but when I'm having sex I really feel like I need to wee, I don't know if I will or not so I can't just let myself go, I end up having to go to the loo. Even if I go for a wee before hand I still feel the same. Last time I tried letting myself go a little bit when I'd orgasmed I stood up and it was dripping down my leg, however I don't know if it was wee or not lol, I don't think it was? My bf knows I have this trouble but lately I have been going to the loo alot more often, like weeing alot and also drinking alot. Not sure if its anything to do with sex, coz diabete's(sp?) has those symptoms, but I doubt my sugar levels are high or low.


Anyone else have anything like this. Any help would be appreciated, ta. x

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I have felt like i had to go right before and during an orgasim, but it never came out. as soon as we were done i would rush to the bathroom and still could not go, but felt like I did. I had to wait for my body to relax then I could go.

have you been to the doctor about this? sometimes when you have a urinary infection it can feel like you have to go all the time.

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urinary tract infections will sneak up on you and in the first stages you will feel like you have to go constantly. As it advances, you will have a feeling of having to go really bad.. and then it'll only be a drip. Right then and there is when you need to get into your doctors office and get on some meds. Advanced UTI.. gets painful. And sometimes goes up into your bladder and can go up into your kidneys. So better safe than sorry, get yourself checked.


Also.. since you may be newly introduced to sex. Make sure you go to the bathroom before and after you have sex. Sometimes bacteria can be pushed up into your urethra during sex.. and this contributes to the start of a UTI.. Urinary tract infection.


Some women.. feel the sensation of wanting to "wee" when they get excited. Your clitoris is postioned very near your urethra.. so you may be experiencing some of this. I've had the sensation but never have actually urinated... some women experience more or less amounts of ejaculate... wetness. you may be one of those who has lots.


Look up "G" spot orgasms... I just put a post in regarding this.. and the write-up I found talks about copious amounts of liquid. Not urine during a g-spot orgasm. Can't say I 've experienced this one myself.. but it does sound interesting. If the G-spot Orgasm is all that and a bag of cookies.. I don't think I'd mind abit of wetness.. lol.

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if i remember correctly, when girls have an orgasm they feel like they have to go to the bathroom. ive expirenced this a lot. also, i found that certain sex positions can push on my bladder more and make me feel like i have to go. but i get UTI's a lot, so i may be more sensitive. try trying a new position or if ya gotta go, push him off and go go go!!

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@ Shadows Light: Yeah I am one who gets very very wet indeed, lol. The sensation is going slowly I think, I'm not going to the loo as much as I was lately. But its just when I'm having sex it feels like I need to go, but many women experience that don't they? As I have read on here.


Lol, ta Kamue, will do.

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You've become sexually active, so going in for an exam couldn't hurt.


If I remember correctly.. way back when.. when I first became active, Yes the sensation of having to use the bathroom and the feel good build up sensation is close. You have to remember that he's pushing up against your clitoris, which is right on your urethra.. and with things down there all being interconnected, your bladder is getting pushed on too.


So, yep. You're right.... feels near the same. My concern was over how many times you are using the bathroom and the possibilility of a UTI.


I've never experienced an accident myself.. knock on wood. Or have been close to it. But funny that this topic should come up. I just talked to a guy whose GF let go... while she was on top. It was a reflex action. She was as you can imagine....surprised as he was. And gosh love him, he was good about it. He understood.. and even treats it as an inside joke.. saying it was his first venture into the sexual practice of "GOLDEN SHOWERS"... so there you have it.

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