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Confused - are we still meeting?


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**Update - even more confused now help!***


Ok so he texted me after his exams asking me what I've been up to and that we should catch up before I head overseas (which is next week).


The thing is - I texted back asking him how he was and when he was free to catch up and it's been 2 days and he still hasn't replied?!


What's the deal here? Do you think he lost his phone (is that lame lol - but apart from each other's numbers, we don't have email or any other form of contact ...could it be a possibility?) or do you think he'll get back to me eventually? I'm really confused, I'm leaving next week - should I just keep waiting? Whats up with this?




I've been on a date with this guy a while ago and we've had dates going on for a while now. Right now we've both got exams and before he said that we'll meet up after the whole exam period is over. However, I saw him at one of the exams and when I talked to him for a bit, he didn't mention anything about meeting up after exams again and it was a lot of small talk about how we've been, etc. There wasn't really a goodbye, like our convo just kind of finished and there wasn't any "ok cya later".


Is it just understood that we'll still meet and get in contact when our exams are finished in a few weeks, like there was no need for him to bring it up again, or is he backing off? If he wasn't interested, would he have said something conclusive like "ok well enjoy your holidays" or something? I know it's probably just something small but just feeling a bit in doubt ...

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Hi There,


Umm I gather you only had one date.I would presume if I were you that he is dating around and just seeing whats out there.My thoughts are that he may have said we will get to get after the exams just to put some space there and to let you know at this stage he wont be taking it forward.To me he hasnt learnt how to say this upfront yet.Just keep yourself out there and keep dating for now.

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We've been texting each other and met up a couple of times since the date, as well as on campus, and we both made it known we're interested to an extent but neither has let on how much. So do you think it'll just die without any sort of conclusion? Not even friends?

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I guess this is a hard one for me to read. My first instinct was that if you ran into each other he would have said something like "I'll call you"...that's what I would have been expecting and normally what I experience with most men I date in the initial stages.


I would suggest this....


Wait for him to call you, which will show he is interested. If he doesn't call you, then it's all good....you have no investment in this relationship anyway and there's other guys out there. But, don't obsess and think about it all the time, go out, enjoy yourself and have fun!

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