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friend came out to liking another boy & its driving me c


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Situation: A friend of mine who I went out with, then became a close friend and we spent alot of time toghether. And we also talked alot. We act like a 'married couple', people say, and I don't deny it. We finish each other scentences and we flirt so much .. but we both agreed it was just harmless fun and we care about each other alot in the 'best friend' sort of way. He's had girlfriends and every one he's had he's assured me that "I just like her, but I love you." Well now he just recently came out to a few people that he has a crush on a boy (who i find really attractive). Well the boy is gay And my friend is unsure of his sexuality at the moment. When he told me I was really supportive and everything. Something like that wouldnt change our friendship even though I'm not too encouraging of it. Moving on, this time, even though he's not even dating the guy yet, he assured me, once again, that he just likes him, finds him cute, and that he feels different about me because he loves me and thinks I'm beautiful.


The thing is .. I've never gotten jealous of his girlfriends or girls that he's liked, but I am extraordinarily jealous of this boy he likes, and I have no clue why. I'm also jealous of him(my friend) cause he has a good chance with the guy and hes really sweet and cute.


I've also kinda found that I no longer really like straight guys. I don't like girls either .. I like gay guys.


I don't want to mess up my friendship, this guy is my dream keeper. I know. "get over it" I know. But I still had to get this out.


And about liking gay guys? And 99% of the time they like me too, but of course, "as a friend". I'm screwed. I'm hoping this is just a phase I'm going through.




Any words, are always appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

About liking gay guys - they are more sensitive and able to share things and confide in you like the straight guys in this world, who fear that they are sounding 'gay'... gah..


I think the fact that your friend told you he loved you, and then is looking out for this gay guy, is making you jealous, because you don't feel like you are loved by him anymore!! You were used to him giving you the affection of a best friend, but because he has found somone, you are kinda on the backburner a little....


It's really difficult to stop being a jealous person... it's something that takes time and shouldn't be rushed. I find it easier to explain my feelings to the person 'in question' so that they know my point of view - and this way they understand and can help me out with how I'm feeling.

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i think you may be jealous because before, girls werent threatening. he was just dating them because... but a boy could be a different story. jealousy is an aweful feeling but dont let it infringe on your friendship with him. it sounds like you wont anyway. but try to get saticfaction in that he may be very happy with this boy as his partner. that helps me sometimes.

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