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What do i do?


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my Bf and i have been dating for awhile now, and we want to take our relationship just a little farther, the problem is.. i don't really know that much about sex/ sex related stuff... so i don't know what to do??

Any advice on the things i could do.. or anything...


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Oh vey! You won't even tell her anything unless she fits your age criteria! Ever notice that kids will have sex anyway. Grow up and face reality.


RockG there isn't a ton of advice I can give about this it's something you have to learn on your own. Here are the few things I can tell you though:


Its important oyu talkt o him about and that it doesn't "just happen" you owuld be surprised hwo often that happens. That way you can deal with protections and you can both acknowledge that it is a big step so you'll be ok talking about it later.


Don't expect it to be perfect. The first time you have sex will most likely be awkard and not very pleasurable. Chances are it will for the girl but nto neccessarily. The second time you have sex will be much better though trust me.


You'll learn how to do it on your own once you start it's not exactly something that has to be taught it's kind of something you just pick up. Don't worry about that part jsut let it be. Especially if your boyfriend is a virgin too it won't matter because he'll be just as bad.


Finally, some women and sometimes guys too will experience a lot of emotion afterwards. Attachment and so on. Be prepared for this make sure you are stable as is now and your sure your boyfriend won't be going anywhere because you might be a little "fragile" for a bit after you have sex. Make sure the boyfriend you are with you would be ok telling this too and make sure your ok with the possibility he could be dealing with a lot of emotions too. This won't neccessarily happen just be prepared.


Hope that helped. Feel free to ask anymore questions.

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Might you consider that their ages do play a role in this as does the length of their relationship. Dating for "awhile" hardly give an accurate depiction of time. Based on their ages my advice can certainly be different. My advice to a teen would be different from that given to a 23-year old. Yes, there are 23-year old virgins still around. Grow up and face reality? I understand reality and have no issues with adolescents engaging in sex. Put down your AR-15 Barbie, friendly fire is a tragic thing.

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