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Pregnancy after vasectomy reversal - Canada


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I live in Canada and have been with my partner for just over a year. I am 32 and he is 39. He has a 10 year old son from a previous relationship. We want to have kids of our own however, he had a vasectomy 9 years ago. We went to the dr. who told us it would cost $2800 for everything and the chances of obtaining a pregnancy would be 50/50 in the next 2-3 years. The dr. also told us that reconnecting everything would be easy(100%), but getting things towork would take some time. He said after a vasectomy, the sperm don't swim the same way again, ever. They are slow. So after telling us nothing really positive, I felt crushed. I went home and cried. Right now I'm so caught in the middle. I don't want to have kids when I'm 35 due it being high risk at that age. Plus there is the money factor to try the reversal. Is anyone out there from Canada who can shed some light on a reversal after almost 10 years? My man already has a son so he has what he wants. I keep thinking I'll never have my own kids if I stay with him. And adoption and invitro are not an option in my book. I'd just like the opinions of anyone who might have been in the same situation - good or bad. Thank you for any help that you can provide.

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Why is adoption not an option for you? Is it because you want your own child regardless?


If this is the man you love and want to have a child with, then a reversal will probably be the only chance to have a child with him. Just keep in mind that it will not be 100% certain.


I wish I can tell you more, but it seems that there are not many options.


What you can do is get a second opinion from another doctor and see what he has to say.

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Hey, bearsmom


I could imagine the difficulty of having to go through this adn facing the fact that it's unlikely and very costly to have kids. I'm not sure whether you don't want invitro is it because you don't want someone elses kid or is it because you believe children should be conceived through sex. Anyway, if it's because of the first reason I havn't heard a ton about this but insteading of having to reverse the procedure simple have the sperm removed and implanted into you with a needle. Once again I just heard about someone having it done so I don't know any details. I'm sure either option isn't desirable but maybe it's something you can ask about it might have a higher change of success. Hope it works out either way.

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Well, the reason I don't want to do invitro is because the cost is in excess of $20,000 for one chance. And the reason I don't want to adopt is because, yes, I want my own children. That's my personal choice not to have someone else's. I guess if adoption was an option in my mind, I wouldn't need a man; I could just adopt on my own. And as far as getting a secomd option; the first opinion cost us $100. We were in the doctor's office for about 10 minutes. He told us that when you get a vasectomy it's usually for good; he asked us a few questions about having kids of our own; he fondled my sweetie's family jewels; and then told us it's a 50/50 chance in the next 2-3 years. And that his cost is $1500 and the hospital stay is $1300. If anyone out there has hands on experience or knows of someone who's been there, any advice would really ease my mind. Thanks again!

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You said the doctor said it would be a couple years before the process of producing sperm and all that will become normal again. Lets say your man indeed got a reversal. Did you ask the dr. if there was anything your man can do to speed up the process? (take a certain medication or undergo a certain procedure?)


I am sure these procedures will be quite expensive. Maybe you can get some type of loan for them.


I don't know if I am being helpful but just some things that popped into my mind. Maybe you can look into them.

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Just though I'd tell you that after having three children, my father had a vasectomy. Years later he married my stepmom whom had never had kids and wanted one of her own. He had it reversed, and while it took a while (due to HER age according to the doctor, not because of the vasectomy reversal) they finally had my sister, her at 43 and him at 50.


While it may not be as easy, don't think that it is impossible. It was worth the effort for them, as my stepmom got to have her baby. (I must say I'm glad as well because I love my little sister so much.)

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