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He still communicates with ex

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I am in a long distance relationship, and I just recently found out that my boyfriend's ex called him about a month ago. He never mentioned it to me. He and his ex were in a relationship for 5 years and have been broken up since 1999. He says that she cheated on him. So why would they still be communication after being broken up for so long? And why did he not tell me until I asked him? Is he trying to hid something like he could still have feelings for her?

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ya just because she cheated doesn't mean that they'll just stop talking.

i went out with a guy about 3 years ago and he cheated on me and we broke up and now he's my best friend. i can tell him anything, my current boyfriend said he doesn't mind but i'm not too sure, but anyways. the not telling you part might just be him not knowing what to say about it or afraid of what you might think. your best bet is to tlak to him about it.

good luck

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I still talk to my ex occasionally. It means absolutely nothing to me beyond a conversation with an individual of my past. It's true that he once meant a lot to me, but definitely not now.


Just ask him about it. It shouldn't be a big issue unless either of you makes it into one. As long as you're respectful and non-confrontational, he shouldn't get upset or feel attacked.

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