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Best revenge is for an Ex to Miss you and regret leaving

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I know from talking to people that most breakups happen and generally words are said that most people regret and in the long run your Ex can take comfort in being happy they have gone, because the final outburst is what they can draw on when they start to miss you. So, I have adopted a different approach. I don't let them push me into a fight,so they can have a reason to leave and feel like they made the right decision and are happy to have ended things, instead if they need to leave for whatever reason I let them go. I know that my approach is different, but I can tell men want to feel good about leaving and want a reason, so they do not hurt. Well, instead I don't give them that reason and in the end they are hurt because they miss all the good times and can't seem to draw comfort from being happy they have left, because I didn't allow them the opportunity to destroy the good with a few moments of bad. So, for want ever it's worth, remember good memories are hard to take away, so let them leave only having the good to remember, it will be the hardest thing they do.



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Excellent appoach Bams!

I also did that too. After my fiance left me without an explanation, I never harassed him, I never insulted him, I never stalked him...I kept my dignity and said I was in pain and that I missed him, that is all.

He came back. I didn't so this intentionally, I just didn't feel like destroying myself with negative things and regrets.


So I think your approach is 100% right.

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...but what shall i do if I keep seeing him all the time and he sees me? I want to get rid of him, but I can't move out of town since I have a child going to school here. I feel like moving far away, but that doesn't solve any problems in the long term i guess. I try to move on, not to call or anything, I go out, go to gym and hang around friends, but I can't just sit home just to be sure not to see him. Why can't he just say "hi" when he meets me? I mean after almost 4 years he could at least try to do it for his son's sake.

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