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Heartbroken, I don't know what to do

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Hi everybody,


I've been in a beautiful relationship with a special person I met during my last yr in college. The problem from the beginning was that I've dated around before and he had not. We talked at the beginning of the relationship and agreed that if the time came for him to want to pursue this path, he would let me know. Now, I move halfway accross the country about a yr ago, despite the fact we agreed that we were not together, after a couple of months of relationship was still strong and in every aspect we kept being together, so we made the agreement that we would be together until he graduated. Lately he has gone out with his friends and started to have fun (he is a really private person like me). Just two days ago, a day after his birthday, he call me and I knew before he said anything that he wanted to break up. We had tried this once before, when we made the until graduation arrangement, and I had reacted so strongly, that I even though about committing suicide. This time, he told me and I handled it great, I did not cry and I told him I had promised him to let him go so I was not going to stand in the way.

Now, we had always discussed how i do not keep in touch with my ex, but he's friends with his. I want to still be his friend, but I don't know if I can, plus I don't want to be like all his other ex. Should I be friends with him? We still have unfinished business that we did not discussed that day, he told me to call him when I was ready and I said the same, but I dont know if I should. I dont know if there's a future for us, we always talk about at some point going separate ways and staying friends and see what life has for us in the future but I don't want to live hanging on this hope. I really don't know what is the best way to proceed

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From some of the things that have happened in my life with past relationships, remaining friends after a serious relationship is hard. Expecially when you are the one that "got dumped" so to speak. You might need to take a break for awhile before you can even attempt to be friends. Its hard being friends with someone that you loved so much before because you tend to hold on to hope that things might be rekindled.


If you guys have some unfinished business, you should certainly attend to it. You may always think about it after the relationship is truly over. Wishing you had said this and that.


But about remaining friends, that just depends on that type of person you are. If you think you can handle it, then try it. But if it gets too hard then maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

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In my experience I would give yourself a little time to re-group and perhaps see if that is something you would want (being friends that is) after awhile. Of course it is nice to end up friends but it is extremely difficult to do that when the emotions are running high and you are not in a place where you seem to be over him. You sound really nice and I would hate to see you hurt further. Hang in there and maybe concentrate on yourself for a bit beforehand.

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Well I talk to him last night, and he really wants us to be friends, he says we could do it, that we both know things about the other that we have never confided on anybody else, that our friendship is already there. He told me to take my time and to call him when I was ready to be friends, or to tell him that if i couldn't handle it, so we could just go our separate ways. I want to be his friend, but I think it is for the wrong reasons, maybe hoping that keeping our friendship alive could open a posibility for us in the future? Is this even posible?

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Hi, it's me again. I called him again today, to wish him good luck in his exam. He said he really appreciated. I miss him so much, we used to talk all day, everytime one of us got a break we would call the other. My phone is so quite is driving me nuts. I've been calling my family everytime i feel like calling him, but it just lets me feeling unfulfilled because it's not him who i'm talking to. I dont know what to do, i'm going out of my mind thinking about him, missing him. How come he doesn't call me? He said for me to call him when i was ready to be friends, but doesn't he feels this burning inside, this empty space that only he can fill? Am i the only one that feels so desolate?

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No. I felt the same way after my ex broke up with me when she moved into the dorms.


My cell phone never rings anymore, except when my mother calls to see how I am doing. I love my mom and all, but it's depressing that I never get any calls except from her. It sucks. I miss talking to her every night, talking about whatever happened during the day, sharing our thoughts, this and that.


Honestly, I think that trying to remain friends right now would be a bad idea. Get any closure you might need and then stop trying to remain in contact with him. And if he tries to contact you, don't respond. You need some time without him to heal, and meet some new people.

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I thought i was ok, or at least better. All I want is to sleep and not wake up. My ex will call me in a while, he said to call him when i needed him,but i cannot tell him how horrible i feel. All the happiness in my life came from being with him or being around my dear niece (who's miles away with my dear sister). All i have left is responsabilities, things i have to do for my family that depends on me. How to tell him that i feel like i dont want to live anymore, if my family did not depended on me, i would probably try to go to sleep forever.

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