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Posted before, not sure what to do *warning, long*


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I posted maybe 2 weeks ago.


I met a girl in one of my classes. I dont really know what the deal is here. Im pretty shy, a little nervous but am good at reading people. Somehow, I fail here. I can play poker and get everyones money ... maybe Im just not facing facts and want to sit another hand here.


So she was very interested in the beginning. I got her to come out after class and we had a great time. I know she loved it - laughing the whole time. She called a few days later and we went out with her best friend and someone I managed to scrounge up as to not be awkward. Went well, she dropped me home and didnt come in because her friend was ready to go.


Got her over to my place the next class, we hung out and I got really nervous. I probably freaked her out a little because I was shaking but she was totally cool with it and we just talked and chilled out. walked her back to her car, we kissed good night and she said 'i kind of like you. when can i see you again'


I walked her back to her car after the next class and on the way she dropped the 'im really busy and dont have much time for relationships with anyone.' this came up in conversation about how she wasnt able to hang out this weekend because of work and school. when i hearded the dreaded line i bit my tongue, walked the rest of the way and wished her a good night. she seemed angry i didnt say anything more but i read what she was saying as her saying no thanks. Im not trying to be a pushy jerk here so I just let it go.


Since shes been a little flaky. Not as interested but still playing coy. She looks at me now again, sometimes whistles to get my attention. I decided to give her a ring last week and when i called and asked what she was up to she responds 'eating a lonely dinner'. i asked her to come out to the bar with a few friends of mine but she was on the way to a concert. she said she would call after. she didnt, but called the next day leaving a voice message explaining she had a paper and was just really busy but if i wanted i could give her a call and hopefully we could hang out soon. score. shes busy but still interested, maybe i read it wrong? who knows.


i called and told her if she was in town give me a call...i knew she was coming sunday, but she didnt. talked to her in class again on wed and as we were walking out she said 'im really busy but if you want give me a call on saturday.' i asked what time she got off, called her about an hour and a half after she got off and no response.


i feel like shes just playing with me. i dont understand why she said what she said but then hasnt made any effort to actually hang out - yet has still been dropping clues that she is interested. her phone work sucks and its driving me nuts. meanwhile the bottle of jameson is hurting.

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face it, she's just not sure. Maybe she's stressed with school, maybe she cant handle a guy, friends and school all at once....some of us arent good at multi-tasking. She likes to call you and tell you she has lonely dinners and tells you she likes you, yet she also shrugs you off. maybe this is her way of not letting you get too close by slowly pushing you away everytime. maybe she wants a relationship, but is not sure about it. worst case scenario: her friends dont approve of you and she got brainwashed. The list is endless. Just keep your head up. Don't bother her for a while, try flirting with someone else in class, and try and figure out if it bothers her at all. If it does, you talk to her at some point a few days later, if not, move on. Good luck

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I think the problem isn't so much with her, it's with you. You keep making little half efforts. You call her and leave a voice message for her to call you back. You invite her out but if she is busy you fail to throw out a counter offer for another time.


Take control of the situation. When you talk to her, quit being so unsure of yourself and start taking control by having a specific plan in mind along with a backup plan if that doesn't work. Meaning: If you want to hang out with her one night, then have a specific date and time in mind, and see what she is doing that day and if she can come. If she is busy that day then throw out your counter offer. Your counter offer should be a specific date and time as well. If she still isn't following through or isn't at least offering a specific counter offer of her own, then she is likely giving you the run around and you should just take yourself out of the situation and move on. You don't need or deserve getting a run around.

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Yeah maybe I havent been as firm with the times. However, shouldnt a message warrant a return phone call? Two weekends in a row its the same b.s., and I know when Im in class tonight shes gonna give me some more eyes. Ill probably just play it by ear but I just dont want to be that guy that wont give up and is annoying the hell out of her. I mean, at what point do you just say f**k off?

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Yeah, well she seems interested otherwise Id assume the stares and her standing close to me during smoke breaks and telling me to call her, or saying on the phone that she is lonely or telling her she likes me.


Who knows, if anything happens in class tonight ...

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Yeah, well she seems interested otherwise Id assume the stares and her standing close to me during smoke breaks and telling me to call her, or saying on the phone that she is lonely or telling her she likes me.


Who knows, if anything happens in class tonight ...


None of that means she is interested. She could be a flirt, she could love having guys as friends and/or admirers. She could just be being herself and you are misconstruing it. There is one way to find out if she is truly interested, and the clock is ticking.

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