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For the first time..i got bored of being with her..

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Me and my gril..got into this relationship...its been 3 weeks now...everytime we met..we always had fun..whenver we werent with each other..we missed each other a lot...but when i met her today...it was fun in the beginning...we talked and talked..suddenly we decided to go for a walk and things started geting boring over there...and since they did get boring..wejust decided that i should to drop her home...we werent talkin much in the car too...after droping her..she text messaged me saying that today was dull...

we talked a bit and then i asked her whether these were bad signs..

she said she dsnt think it was bad signs..and said that after some time if we do the same things again and again...without doing ne thing much..it tends to get boring..

alrite now we donot have much options about meeting..cuz she is really busy..so we either meet at my place or hers or maybe some good dinner place...

just wondering if it is normal to get bored this way..cuz it really was boring..for the first time i felt like dropping her home asap...is this a bad sign..really need some suggestions

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It's a little strange that both of you are getting bored only 3 weeks into the relationship. However, she is right. If you do the same things everytime you are together, it will get boring.


It's not bad or anything, you just need to change things a little. Find other things to do. Is there anything else you can do together? Maybe watch a movie, or hang out with a group of people?

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We usually do hang out with a group of people...wen we r alone..we have done things like watch a movie at my place...go shopping for her together...go for lunch(she cant come out in the evenings and nite cuz she has to study cuz she is into a medical field

we talked about this..cuz i never like to keep things inside...and from the way she talked..i was convinced that she still has interests...cuz else she wuld have not tried to convince me for 15 mins y it got boring rite..

now the question is...

given to u 3 hrs in the afternoon...2 wice a week...what different things can one do...interesting,different and yeah...SPECIAL!....

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Well, what are her interests? That would be good to know.


As far as not knowing what to do, you could pick anything to do in your area. I'd seek out a few activities that are fun, because I think you are talked out right now. Not sure what is in your area, but you could go for a walk, engage in some physical actvitiy, go to a musuem, play a board game, open up a newspaper and sit and go through it talking about the articles you read, play miniture golf, go to a driving range, bowl, play cards, whatever.

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In this case, I think that it really depends on your personalities, the bond you guys share, and if you click or not. Seeing each other 2 times a week isn't necessarily going too fast.


I think that when 2 people really 'click' they could be literally doing nothing and still really have fun. It's because they mesh well together. That kind of bond is hard to find. Often times, we cannot force that feeling, because either the chemistry is there or it's not. When I'm talking about chemistry, I'm not just talking about sexual desire, but emotional/intellectual chemistry. Even if you guys aren't doing anything, if you guys click at least on 2 out of the 3 levels of chemistry, then you can sit there and talk on and on about anything and everything and still be intrigued by the end of the day.


If you find that there isn't anything deep to talk about, and things feel stagnant, I would say that it's probably the physical aspect that is only really keeping the two of you together. That's not good, because a relationship based on just physical chemistry doesn't grow. It is just based on infatuation that will wear off quickly.


For the sake of reviving the relationship, engage in activities that Beec mentioned. To add to that, do something that you guys are both talented in. Say for instance, if you're into playing the guitar, she can learn how to sing. Engage in activities where you guys are both working as a team. It's fun. Whatever it is, have fun.


If all else fails, after making attempts to really bring back those feelings, I would really consider whether or not this relationship is going to work out in the long run. I would also question how compatible she is with you, and I would also be pickier the next time around. Not to say that you weren't being picky, but some people will just date the object of their desire, because that is basically what it is- their object of desire- meaning, someone who they find attractive, someone who they can just stare at for hours, but when they really get to know that person, they realize that he/she doesn't provide the emotional or intellectual depth. That person is someone who they lusted for a long time, and now that they're with them, they get borned because they find that there isn't much substance to that person's personality. That's just a thought to consider.


Hope this helps! Good luck!

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You need to learn how to conversate. She might be really cute, but if you cannot talk about anything, then it will go down the drain. Find out about each other's interests, talk about politics, complain debate about some issues etc... many people think that having everything in common is a good thing. I personally always tend to go for guys that have the same fundamentals about things such as religion, priorities etc...BUT they have different view points on many issues and interests. That always keeps the relationship interesting bc you are always learning about each other.


If you guys do not feel sparks after a week or so, then maybe you can just stay friends. All relationships aren't meant to work out. Good luck!!

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first things first..i have no problems talkin to her..we usually cant stop talking once we start..WE HAVE DONE MANY THINGS TOGTHER..have enjoyed each others company..and its not only a physical attraction..i am sure..cuz we r of the same type..share a lot of things in common..

my problem is..

4 hrs a day...in the afternoons...with a place where u cant do much(its a resedential area..totally residentia)..wat can we do for fun..

go for lunch..watch movies...go for walks..all done..

recently went for shopping with her..its fun..but i am afraid we will run out of things to do and again there will be one more day like this where ill feel i am geting bored of her?

any suggestions..this is a small problem..but irrattes a lot

so help me out!!!

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