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To Fight or Not..

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This friend and I are going through somewhat of a rough patch right now. We are starting to go separate ways. Whats making it worse is that I'm now hearing from other people that I am the main contributor to her problems. I thought that I was a very good friend to her. I feel like I'm being snowballed.


Its at the stage now where she doesn't want to talk to me and I'm not all that sure I want to fight for the friendship. The 2 of us were very close and now since other people have got involved I don't see us ever working it out.


I don't know what to do.

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You broke her heart!


You have a sexual relationship with her and then you suddenly change your mind. She was devastated! She loved you and she thought you loved her in the same way. Then, she says she doesn't want to lose you altogether so agrees that the two of you can be friends. This was a strain for her but she still stood by you.


She decides it's time to move on and finds someone else who possibly can make her as happy as she thought you could. What happens? You become jealous of them! You don't want her as your gf but you don't want anyone else to have her either.


We weren't ganging up on you at all! She has very important exams for 3 weeks, starting next week. These are the last ones of her school life. To have a good start in life she has to do well in them. She is dead on her feet. She is revising (cramming) as much as she can and trying to deal with all her other problems. We don't want her to start 'cutting' again. All we did was to ask you not to contact her between certain hours so she can get some rest. We were not blaming you 100% for her problems, we were asking for your help.


The 3 of us tried to help you yesterday. We were shocked to discover you were drinking vodka (and drunk) at roughly 05.30pm. You're on medication as well. We were all devastated to see you in that state. You did and said things totally out of character which could've offended us but we stood by you. Then you went too far. You degraded yourself in front of us. We were so concerned we contacted your Father like good friends would. At one point we nearly rang the Police!


Considering all that happened I still want to be here for you.

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