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I'm Extremely too Shy


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Lots of times at college or at church, I get extremely shy that I tend to isolate myself alot around people my age. I got rejected, made fun of, left out, ridiculed, beaten up, and shunned nearly all my life when I was in high school or before and lots of times at college, I become very shy because I'm afraid that other students will reject me and think that I'm completely worthless and I stutter a whole lot and my mind goes blank during a conversation. I'm the world's worst speaker. Does anyone have any advice that would help me overcome this nervousness and shyness?

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Hi there !

The answer to your question is very simple. If you dont respect yourself , no one else will. You dont have to even talk to make your presense felt. No one can take you for granted till you show yourself as a person who can be taken for granted.

What I would say is , just stop thinking about the people around you. Concentrate on yourself, think high and give yourself that due respect.

Good Luck !

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  • 2 months later...

Im very popular at school, and it seems all the people in my year knows me (well at least the boys). I think, i became popular because i am not easily offended, you know, and i can have fun with anyone, and if they laugh at you, because you fell over or something, just laugh with them... i guess. Try to make contact with people, and open yourself up.

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  • 7 months later...

don't let others bring you down. there are horrible people out there that will do anything to hurt a person, they win if you let it get to you cause thats exactly what they want to happen. Try to learn to love yourself & don't listen to what others say. It's not about what they think anyway. No one has a right to say they are better than someone. there are people out there that love you for you, they know the real you, & no one else should matter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, i was bullied and have ended up being really really shy, if its really bad you may have SA (social anxiety disorder), you should look it up on the internet, have a read about it and if you think you have it see a doctor i don't really have any better advice as im only 14 and still going through this stuff myself, i hope you feel better byexx


P.S If you type "social anxiety sa uk general chat" into a search engine you will find a website where there is a chat for people with sa, its friendly supportive and most the people there are 20+, you can go there and chat to people who understand... xx

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