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Can't Sleep...

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Hey guys,


For the longest time I've always have trouble sleeping a few days every week. Like sometimes I'll get 4 hours of it when I usually need at least 7. And then a few times a month, like today, I just can't sleep at all. I've tried all kinds of things that websites teach about how to relax and get rest. I think the problem stems from the large amount of anxiety I have in general. Just always feeling anxious and tense about something. Thanks for any help.

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Yes, I workout 3 times a week roughly. Actually more like 2 1/2 on average.


And yes frequently I'm just stressed. Stressed about never having any friends I can actually hang out with on the weekends, nothing to do on the weekends, lack of any social interaction at my college because of my anxiousness, and also stress about school work.

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It could actually be an anxiety disorder.

I'd suggest you consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis.


One important thing: Do not take sleeping tablets - they can end up in dependancy.


How are you coping with school work?


Do you mind not having that social interaction during the weekends?

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Yeah I figured it was time to go see the doc again.


And actually I'm acing every class this semester so far but only because I work on course work a lot during my free time since I have nothing better to do.


And no I am not happy always being alone all the time. A person can only like so much solitude before they need at least a little company each week.

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It'd be a good idea to get a doctor to ease your mind and tell you one way or another what's wrong.


Doesn't the work add unnecessary stress?


You can make friends.

You can use your spare time to join clubs, take up interests.

Do you like sports?

If you're anxious; it will take a while to settle and become comfortable - but you have the possibility of meeting many people your age, with your interests.

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Yes, I know I can meet a lot of people. I've tried a few clubs already this semester but just haven't connected with anyone. Right now I'm trying out the Philosophy club.


The work adds a little stress, yeah. But I mean what else would I do with all of that extra time that's usually meant for socializing? I don't have that. So I just do more work or if I feel unproductive enough, play some video games or something.

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Yup, absolutely. I've been trying that again lately. Been going to the club meetings for starters. It's just that even when I am 'there', I still don't connect with people. I'll meet them, ask questions about them, and so on but not once have I made a new friend in my whole college career so far.

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Step by step.


I think the more you put yourself into these situations; the more comfortable you will become with them.


At least you know your weaknesses and can work on them.


And - when you meet someone again and again. Talk to them over and over; then you will become more farmiliar and able to advance into friendship.

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Hey caldus, hang in there. When I was a little younger, I was just like you. I lost touch with friends after highschool and was all alone. I went straight to work and I've met people here and there over the years. Some I'd call friends and some I wouldn't. As you get a little older you'll meet more people down the line. It sounds good that your studying and acing your classes. You got a whole future ahead of you, your schooling as you know is top priority. You might disagree but you'll meet alot of people, either at your college or when you start workiing. goodluck

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Great circumstances for a night-shift job.


I'm much the same.

25 to 1 in the morning now.

I have to be up early tomorrow so I better get to bed soon.



I might as well work night shift. Get paid more anyway. Except you kind of miss all of the people who are awake during the day.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

If you do decide that you need to use sleeping pills, and I think they could be of some benefit to you, ask your Doctor about Zopiclone. I'm on 'em at the moment, and my Doc's told me that as far as pills go they are the least likely to cause any addiction.

They don't really help me too much as my problemd with sleep are more to do with a screwed up circadian rhythm, but they certainly do put you down pretty efficiently, though you would only want to use them for a short time.

If you could sleep at night do you think you'd be less anxious?

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