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does a long distance relationship actually work? like i said in another problem uve been with my man for four months now, but the distance does bother me, could this be a reason why i go of looking (at other people). he trusts me and i trust him, but i dont think i trust myself........can you help me? what would be your advice?

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i don't think looking at somebody shud be taken seriously. it is a natural human tendency to look,ogle or whatever u may say. Just by looking, u r not getting emotionally involved with that person....it is just ur physical instincts that get attracted to that person.

but personally i feel that what u r feeling is good!!!.....it shows that u r completely committed to ur long distance partner....

so throw that doubt outta ur mind.....u r still committed to ur partner!!!!!!

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I feel your pain!!!!

My fiance and I have been together 3 years now, and things are great, but I remember the distance like it was yesterday. After dating for 6 months, he had an internship (engineering) in Pennsylvania (I was in Michigan) for 6 months. Those six months were awful, and we hoped we would never have to do it again, but, guess what, in January, he was offered a position at a company in Boston, with great pay and everything, so he took it (I was still in college and Michigan state). well, after the semester ended in May I moved out to Boston, and the wait was well worth it!!!!!!


by the way, its okay to look at the menu, as long as you don't order the food.

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