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Do i really have to wait?


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Well to start off, theres a chk that ive liked for afew months now, but was unable to do anything as i was tied down. ive been a 'free agent' for about a month now and decided might as well ask her out.

Anyway she said she wanted to think about it, then came back with the i dont think itd b fair on you and me. when i askd her to expalin what she meant (im hopeless at understanding these things) she said that theres a chance just not now.

shes going overseas for her karatae then when she gets back its straight into the exams. and in Jan i leave to go to uni (college to u americans) that leaves us about a month.

I absolutley hate long distance so that a no. Should i wait for her? or should i just try and forget about her? shes also a friend so that wouldnt be to nice...any advice appreciated.



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this is soemthing i cannot express enough. if people give you an excuse then they do not want to do it..... period. if you like osmeone i dont care you will make plans to get with them. so i would say you tell her you want ot go out an dyou kno wshe is busy so give her your number and tell her ot call you when she is available if she likes you enough she wil call if not then poo on her..

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