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plumbers any of u out there and my career-way too old

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is there anyone here a plumber or has gone to school or now any info on being a plumber. for some reason my folks want me to go be a plumber-25 yrs old been going to school all my life-never even worked for too long or at all, since i finished HS-first went to cap college for a yr to do computers finished that and now is doing business management at langara,-going to complete that pretty soon. after that folks are like what are u goin to do-i'm like pursue a business degree-just have to do 2 more yrs-if i have to go for more school, they for some reason want me to go into plumbing b/c plumbers make mad money. have a plumber come into ur house to get a water tank installed-its like 400 bucks and they do it in like 30 minutes and they charge like 250 for labour or so. they just want me to get into the trade b/c of money. so its like i have 3 careers now if i do plumbing- computers, business and if i do plumbing, wowo i am the jack of all trades.


i don;t want to go into another profession i am so old i have to work. what do u guys think of my situatiuon and what do u think of plumbing in general. even at langara i feel it-every ones like 19 20 yrs old all young. i just have to find work that is related to my field and my folks would leave me alone. any advice pleasesss

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I had a friend in a similar predicament many years ago. He graduated with an electrical engineering degree and didn't do so well, so his parents convinced him his true calling in life was to become an auto mechanic. He enrolled, but quickly dropped out when he realized he was surrounded by guys who had been taking apart cars their whole lives for fun and his only motivation was to please his parents. Needless to say he didn't last a month.


I think you answered your own questions. You're not interested and you don't want to go into another profession. Even though plumbers make 'mad' money, if you have absolutely have no interest in plumbing then it would be a bigger waste of time for you to pursue it. Think of it this way, if you feel 'old' now, how much older will you feel if you invest your energies pursuing careers you have no interest in and then finally realize you really were on the right path all along? Stay the course. You know yourself and your professional possibilities better than anyone else. If at some later point you decide business and computers isn't for you, you can always pursue other options later.

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