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Hair loss

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I understand that the worst thing you can do is wear baseball caps inappropriately often, making it seem like you have something to hide.


If you want to preserve what you have, Rogaine and Propecia do help (though the latter may require a Viagra prescription due to its side effects!).


But most of all, love yourself and be confident.

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There is actually quite a lot you can do to stop hair loss. 3 Things are scientifically proven to stop and in some cases regrow amounts of hair. Propecia, Rogaine and Nizoral shampoo.


A perscription is needed for propecia (not viagra! these are completely separate)


Stick on these 3 things for a year or more and im sure you keep what you have and possibly regrow some back. I know this stuff works because my own brother takes all 3 and has gone from a noticebly balding to unoticeable.


I am not posting any links because people will probably think I am trying to sell my own gear. I am not, just do yourself a favour and investigate what I have mentioned here. If you dont believe me go and speak to your local doctor i am sure he will suggest using the above.


Also I dont care how many girls come on here telling you they dont care...the fact of the matter is many do. Its great there are nice girls out there who dont care but I have personaly heard lots girl talk about balding guys in disgust. Thats just life!

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I dated seriously a man for almost 5 years when I was 18-22/23, until he passed away. He was 20-25 in those years, and he had already lost a lot of his hair by the time I met him. It had started thinning when he was 16, so that the top wa,s by the time I met him, very thin and receded. And I thought he was amazing, attractive inside and out, and I fell hard for him, hair or not! He was confident about it and it no longer bothered him - that was sexy!


I have another friend whom is absolutely BEAUTIFUL (model beautiful) and her husband has been bald as a cue-ball (not on purpose!) since she first met him, and she adores him (and he is really quite cute!).


Honestly, I think someone whom is balding, but confident, is terribly sexy in some strange alluring way.If my current partner lost his hair, I would not care one bit, I'd love him to death anyway!


I had a past ex whom WAS very concerned about hair loss..though he had not lost any yet. He had plans to start a Rogaine and Propecia c0cktail as soon as he saw any signs - combined together they are more effective apparently. But there are risks with them, and I believe on Propecia you cannot have any children, as there are serious risks to the fetus - pregnant women especially CANNOT touch the pills. But honestly, though he had hair, I found his obsession over losing it was kind of a turn off...

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Every woman is different, but I think the worst thing you can do for yourself is wear those baseball caps or get those hair transplants. People can always see right through that and think less of you than they would have if you were just going bald without hiding it. It all depends on your confidence level and how you come off to people -- they can usually tell if you're a "zero" on the personality meter and that is what most women find unattractive (at least from what I've seen).

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